Idaho National Laboratory

Analytical Chemist

April 2017 - January 2018 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

I loved the people I worked with. And the opportunity I had to publish and to gain experience.

What I wish was different

I thought it was a very amazing internship nothing I would change


Work really hard love your job, be excited and be willing to learn all that you can!
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Construction Estimating Intern

September - December 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

What I loved about my internship was the in-field experience. From day one, I was treated as an actual employee and taught what I needed to know. Something that stood out from this experience was the respect that others had when I asked dozens of questions and the enthusiastic responses when I found/presented more efficient ways to accomplish tasks.

What I wish was different

The only downside to my internship was I was assigned to a job site out in the middle of government property so I was separated from my group. Due to being out of town, I'd have to wake up at 4:30AM and catch a bus out to the site, usually making it home at about 6:30PM.


The only piece of advice I have is to think outside the box during an internship. If you have questions, ask someone! Something I wish I did at the beginning of my internship was to figure out the most efficient way of writing my reports. Luckily, I figured out how to program formulas in my Microsoft Word reports to ensure accuracy and save time. Things like that help you, the next intern, and stands out to your employer when you show your problem-solving skills.
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Nuclear Reactor Operator

June - August 2019 • Atomic City, ID

What I liked

I loved having the exposure to a side of engineering I had not really known much about before I started. It was surprising to see how many mechanical engineers are needed at a nuclear operating site.

What I wish was different

The commute was a little long from Pocatello to the site


Always say yes to anything someone is trying to show you or help with
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Computational Materials Scientist Intern

August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

I enjoyed the atmosphere of INL. It's a bunch of scientists that just enjoy doing cool things.

What I wish was different

Not much, I really enjoyed everything about it.


The best chances of getting an internship are meaningful connections (i.e. professors who have seen you research, even better if you have researched with people where you want to work). Always ask for opportunities to do research.
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Electronic Instrument Testing Technician

May - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Great people, got to practice what my degree is in

What I wish was different

Driving time to work


Stay busy
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Test Engineer Intern

August - October 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

There was a lot of room for learning and innovation. I had one project to work on, but it involved many different jobs, including circuit design and simulation, PCB design, software/program development, and prototype construction, soldering, and testing. It also included some data collection and performance evaluation.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to be there and to take part in more projects.


The only way I was able to make it into this internship was through networking and making a good impression with the work I did in Senior Project. Once at INL, I talked with the people I worked around, learned from them, and they saw the good work I did. Now they are great connections for me if I want to work for INL, even if it isn't in the same department. My piece of advice I would share is that networking is essential!
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November 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Great company, employees, and benefits.

What I wish was different

Everything was great!


Prepare for your interview more than you think you need to
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Student Researcher

May - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The exposure to cutting edge developments in material science and the opportunity to contribute to further developments by using my skills in data analysis. And, of course, the opportunity to learn more about analysis and data acquisition on the job from world class experts.

What I wish was different

I feel like I could achieve more with greater autonomy and I feel like the process of obtaining the certifications necessary to be more autonomous could be substantially streamlined. As it stands, this process is motivated mostly at your own insistence.


Expect to spend some time studying. Be prepared to self-motivate, drive your own engagement, and communicate with your supervisor. One must make their own success in this position.
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Web Developer

June - September 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

I was able to be tutored by my own mentor, who took a lot of time from his schedule to be able to teach me more about the Computer Science field. There were also lots of events that they had around the facilities, and I was able to get paid for going to those events.

What I wish was different

Sometimes it can be difficult to be able to keep up with a full-time schedule week-in and week-out. I wish they could have allowed a little more leeway towards allowing me to work less or work more depending on the week.


There is a lot to cover with these internships. They don't expect you to know everything when going into the job, but they do expect you to try and learn as much as you can. That's the main idea behind the whole internship.
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Mechanical Engineer

July 2018 - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The new type of work and different learning environment.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more responsibilities and I wish people were more clear about deadlines


Know your worth, think highly of yourself and that you stand out.
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Planning and Financial Controls Intern

May - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

I learned a lot about working for a government contractor and how to apply basic budgeting skills.

What I wish was different

I wish I had done the internship earlier in my educational career to gain more real-life experience.


I had the opportunity to get to know many people in key positions at the lab. Be sure to talk with them and get to know them. They often have valuable advice and it can lead to more opportunities.
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Computer Programmer

May - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The internship program

What I wish was different

Was able to work more


Ask questions
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Cyber Systems Analyst

January 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The experience gained there was more than I could get out of 1 year+ of studies. So many resources and opportunities for the interns!

What I wish was different

I wish I had been more aggressive at taking the many opportunities offered to me!


Take the trainings, volunteer for any opportunities, you never know when they'll let you be a part of something, even if it was originally intended for full time employees.
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Business System Intern

July 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Not being micro-managed. Freedom to start and end day whenever as well as flexible schedule for time off.

What I wish was different

The projects were not overly related to my major. The company moves a bit slower in getting requests, such as finding projects to do. Good intentions but requests usually not followed through to completion.


Make sure you ask your mentor what you'll be doing in detail for your internship. Make sure they have a plan for you.
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Mechanical Engineering Intern

June 2016 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Great place to learn basic field engineering skills

What I wish was different

I was satisfied with my experience


Go and talk to the people who work there and become integrated into the organization instead of sitting in a cubicle all day
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Cyber Security Intern

January 2019 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

Hands-on experience with industry-standard tools, became familiar with industry laws, regulations, and practices.

What I wish was different

More meaningful work


You can learn as much as you want to at INL. Take advantage of it!
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Power Management Intern

June - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The people make the job amazing. I was so lucky to work with an amazing group of people, and they took time out of their already busy days to teach me.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have spent more time there.


Keep an open mind, and try to learn something new every day
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System engineer intern

June 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Everyone is very helpful and the projects were interesting to work on.

What I wish was different

I didn't have to commute so far to work.


Go for any internship applying what you have learned and soaking up the knowledge that can only be gained by be ing in the work force.
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Safeguards and Security Intern

June - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

My mentor was extremely helpful and taught me a lot over the course of the 15 weeks I worked at the INL. I was able to meet and network with many important people to advance my career path and expand my own network.

What I wish was different

Nothing comes to mind.


Be prepared to work hard, but it definitely pays off.
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Computer Science Intern

May 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The people are so kind and adaptive! They will do anything to help their interns succeed and have a good experience at INL.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have known more about distributed systems before starting this internship.


Be open about programming languages! Just because you learned C++ in your classes doesn’t mean you’re going to actually use it very much. You will have to learn many more.
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