Naviant, Inc.

Customer Support Engineer

May - August 2024 • Verona, WI

What I liked

The company culture at Naviant is fantastic, and they offer many opportunities to develop professionally and technically. There are also a lot of networking opportunities, opportunities for you to make a real impact. and a capstone project that really engages you.

What I wish was different

I had such a great experience that it is hard to consider anything to improve upon other than having more hours. It can be difficult to learn some of the technology when the days are shorter.


Be clear about your goals, especially if you decide Naviant is something you want to be a part of, and prioritize networking. Growing professionally is as much learning new skills as it is meeting new people.
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Customer Success Specialist Intern

June - August 2023 • Rhinelander, WI

What I liked

The internship at Naviant provided a great opportunity to learn more about not only support of continually developing technology, but also the business aspect of a growing but caring company. They are with you 100% of the way so you never feel lost or left behind and I feel like they truly care about each of the interns that work here. I loved that even though I was a Customer Success Intern, I was still able to learn about other job roles and aspects of the company.

What I wish was different

I wish I had known how awesome this internship turned out to be so I could have applied to it earlier! Really though, you get invested in the people at this company, so the thought of leaving after 3 months is a bit sad.


Go into this internship knowing that you are in good hands and will learn a lot about how a successful and growing company operates.
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Customer Success Intern

May - August 2022 • Verona, WI

What I liked

Naviant has a welcoming culture and is committed to the success of their interns. All members of the Naviant team were always available and assisted us with any questions we had. They wanted each intern to succeed and provided resources to help them succeed, whatever that meant. I had a great time at Naviant meeting the team and other interns, both local and remote, and I hope to stay in touch with everyone I met there!

What I wish was different

I couldn't think of anything else I would change besides having more time to learn from such incredible people and pick their brains about the industry!


One piece of advice I would give is to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. As a more reserved person, I regret not asking as many questions in the beginning, but as the internship progressed, I gained confidence and asked more questions. So when people say, "Feel free to ask me anything," they truly mean it! Inquire about anything and everything you can about the industry, company, and culture.
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Customer Success Intern

May - August 2022 • Middleburg Heights, OH

What I liked

Naviant has a refreshing company culture and was incredibly welcoming from the start of the internship. I learned about technology, myself, and others through the meetings I attended and the projects I completed. An added bonus was meeting a few Baldwin Wallace University graduates at the organization.

What I wish was different

Naviant's internship program exceeded my expectations -- I only wish I had more time to meet and work with the Naviant family.


This experience is extremely valuable in and of itself, but it is also what you make of it. You will meet some truly accomplished individuals, which might feel daunting at first, but everyone is more than willing to share their lessons learned. Go the extra mile to connect with someone new and never be afraid to ask questions.
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Accounting Intern

May - August 2021 • Verona, WI

What I liked

The company culture was unlike anything I have experienced. Everyone, from the CEO to the IT specialists were all very welcoming and made me feel at home. They highly value a work/life balance and are very accommodating to their employee's needs. This internship was a great experience for hands-on work and learning by doing. Would recommend this internship to any student regardless of major, to experience an amazing place to work!

What I wish was different

Nothing. They gave me everything I needed to be successful throughout the internship.


Enterprise content management isn't necessarily something that everyone is familiar with. Don't be afraid to ask questions!
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Business Development Intern

May - August 2021 • Middleburg Hts, OH

What I liked

I really enjoyed my time at Naviant! The people were the best part of my experience, everyone was so welcoming and kind and willing to help with anything I needed. The weekly internship roundtables were very helpful as they let the interns hear from a team member in another department about what they do- a very interdisciplinary experience that I greatly valued.

What I wish was different

As someone coming into the tech world with virtually no background, it was hard for me to get a hold of the industry and company jargon and I wish the onboarding process was a little more structured. This was in no way a make or break part of the experience, though!


One piece of advice I would give is to take advantage of all the opportunities Naviant has to offer. You have a professional in essentially every department of an industry leading company at your disposal to meet with, ask questions, shadow, and do projects with. They have so much knowledge to offer and are more than willing to have their brains picks about anything, so take advantage of it!
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Customer Success Intern

May - July 2021 • Middleburg Hts, OH

What I liked

I loved how welcoming and open everyone at Naviant was. Even before I started my internship, I felt at home. Additionally, the various projects I worked on provided such great experiences and learning opportunities.

What I wish was different

Even after a bit of time thinking, I couldn't come up with anything I wish had been different about the internship. The people, along with the internship itself, were all very educational, engaging, and fun!


One piece of advice I would share is that regardless of whether your internship is related to your major, be as open as possible. You might be surprised just how great of an experience you can have if you keep an open mind and show a company how amazing you truly are.
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Customer Success Intern

May - August 2020 • Verona, WI

What I liked

I loved working alongside a group of three other interns in my area and one in another area. Together, we were able to familiarize ourselves with the company and bounce questions and ideas off each other. We were set up very well with other full-time employees weekly to ask questions and get to know other areas of the company. Our ideas were taken seriously and each intern successfully brought some knowledge/experience to the table and were appreciated well for that.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship was longer! It was hard to be done after three months and say goodbye to some of the most supportive coworkers I've ever worked alongside.


Take the time and initiative to set up meetings with different members of different departments of the company. Ask them their advice and how they got to where they are now, most of them have pretty interesting stories and there is so much to learn from each of them!
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Customer Success Intern

May - July 2020 • Middleburg Hts, OH

What I liked

I really loved the teamwork that was showcased. Everyone is reaching out to each other to gain more understanding. Everyone shares their knowledge with the team and supports each other when things get rocky. The open communication policy is also very comforting.

What I wish was different

I don't necessarily wish anything was different, I just felt connected to the team and felt sad leaving. At the end of the internship, I felt like it was everything I wished to experience going in on my first day.


Stay curious and constantly ask questions. Taking the initiative to do that daily, will help you understand the information given to you. This isn't your typical "coffee-run internship". You will be learning a lot of new technologies than you would in the classroom.
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