We envision a world set ablaze through the power of people authentically worshiping Jesus Christ with their entire lives, in the Eucharist and in the Body of Christ. We pursue this vision by sending missionaries to the underserved communities in the church, empowering them to start movements of worship, and creating moments of authentic encounter with Christ in the Eucharist and each other. At their best, these parishes are realizations of the whole of Adore’s mission.
Our aim is not just to transform the culture in these communities, but to remain steadfast in our presence for the long haul and not give up on them. To be with them through thick and thin, good and bad, and show them that life in Christ, is worth living. By entering into these communities, not just as employees or missionaries, but as authentic and active members of them, our love for them moves beyond superficial. We find our entry into these communities by partnering with local Catholic Churches in need, mainly working with their Jr. High and High School youth, developing relationships and trust with families in the process. The joy of our way of life is that this mission can be lived out in all states of life: single, married, just out of college, discerning religious life, or if you have a house full of kids.