Air Force Institute of Technology

Engineering and Physics Research Intern

May - August 2024 • Beavercreek, OH

What I liked

At AFIT, I researched oxidation rates in and outside grain boundaries and was made a simulation to measure the oxidation rates in different materials. I regularly had to update my code, run new simulations, attend weekly research meetings, and read literature about oxidation. I enjoyed the weekly, sometimes twice a week, one on one meetings with my mentor that kept the research on track and allowed my questions to be continuously answered. That last part was important because I did not have a whole lot of knowledge on oxidation and the simulation methods to track it until these meetings and reading research papers for this internship. Furthermore, the library at AFIT is very nice to work in. The interns for AFIT get their own spots at the top floor with a nice outside view.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more interaction between the interns during this research. In the weekly meetings, I see how our different simulations could be run together and that there is significant overlap. However, most of the time was spent working on our own. I also wish that there was more experimentation done at the research lab across the street. It was nice to get a tour of the lab, but the experiments to then match with the simulations were not able to materialize this summer.


Bring your own laptop for day one! I was not told that as an intern I would need my own laptop for everything, but the first day was a short easy one anyway. The computers in the main offices are for the grad students at AFIT (it is only a grad school) and professors. Also, like at basically every place, do not be afraid to talk to people and ask questions. Engineering is not a very sociable profession, but there are still reasons to socialize and google can't always answer your specific question well.
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Research Engineer Intern

May - August 2023 • Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

What I liked

I worked in the ANT center on alternative forms of navigation. The work involved solving complex problems and using common industry tools like Git and Docker. The experience felt like a worthwhile internship overall. Talking with the engineers, professors, and other interns gave me good insights into possible carrier paths moving forward.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more collaborative work with the other interns.


Don't let yourself be stuck on a problem for more than an hour or two. Ask an engineer for help.
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Space Modeling Intern

August 2021 - June 2022 • Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

What I liked

I like the work I did. The internship research was very interesting. My job is to create space models with system dynamics.

What I wish was different

I wish that the hiring process didn’t take as long as it did because of funding issues.


When working at the Air Force Base, you have to complete a security questionnaire to obtain a security clearance.
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Research Intern

May 2021 • Wright Patterson, OH

What I liked

Coworkers, flexible hours, and the project I worked on.

What I wish was different

Some parts where slow due to bureaucracy taking a while to green light certain items.


Don't feel bad about asking for things early or repeatable asking.
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Cyber Center Intern

May - August 2019 • Wright Patterson, OH

What I liked

The work I was given was hands on and very interesting. The skills I learned were very useful.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more working in teams


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Research Assistant Intern

May - August 2018 • WPAFB, OH

What I liked

Great people, interesting/diverse work, solid mentorship, weekly activities planned with other interns/faculty, possible opportunity to publish research, and room for personal development.

What I wish was different



Take advantage of every opportunity available to you; if someone needs help with their work, you should be the first person to step up and ask how you could help.
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Electrical Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • WPAFB, OH

What I liked

Supervisors were excellent resources. The job provided me with work I liked doing that also applied to my major. Staff and supervisors were readily accessible and happy to help with anything from project questions to general job information.

What I wish was different

Because it was a summer internship, it was not worth the effort to get a CAC card for base access. This meant, however, that every month, I had to pick up a temporary pass from the ID office, which added an extra 30 minutes to an hour of time on my commute, depending on wait times.


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Undergraduate Research Assistant

May - August 2018 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

My supervisor was well versed in code and could answer any question. I learned an extreme amount about code and computers.

What I wish was different

Nothing, it was great.


There is never enough studying.
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May - July 2018 • WPAFB, OH

What I liked

They were willing to let me do things and very helpful to explain things I didn't understand. The other researchers included me in their faculty/staff meetings and events like going out to lunch, even though I was only there for a few months. I was working with a lot of nuclear engineers and physics people so I got to learn more about those disciplines and that was interesting.

What I wish was different

I wish paper work could have gone through a little faster but I have been assured that I got my CAC very fast for normal WPAFB standards. There was nothing anyone I had contact with could do about it.


Just in general, if you need someone to do something for you so that you can continue with your work, go hunt them down and ask them about it (without being super obnoxious) as often as you can, t can help things get done faster.
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