Cal Poly Pomona - Maximizing Engineering Potential

About Cal Poly Pomona - Maximizing Engineering Potential

Maximizing Engineering Potential (MEP):

MEP: Center for Gender, Diversity & Student Excellence is to prepare traditionally under-represented minority, women, low-income, and first-generation engineering students to become professionals and leaders capable of tackling life-long, intellectual, socio-ethical, and career challenges in a changing world.

MEP accomplishes this through academic enrichment programs, services, and and initiatives. Throughout the academic year, MEP offers tutoring, U-hour workshops by industry speakers, field trips, peer mentoring, and other activities.


Student Associate

June 2018 - August 2018 Pomona, CA
“Helping incoming students about their major and the campus in general. being able to assist their transition from high school to college is an amazin feeling”

Summer Associate

June 2018 - August 2018 Pomona, CA
“I thought the freedom was really nice and allowed me to work how I work best. ”
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