About CAS

CAS is a leader in scientific information solutions, partnering with innovators around the world to accelerate scientific breakthroughs. CAS employs over 1,400 experts who curate, connect, and analyze scientific knowledge to reveal unseen connections. For over 100 years, scientists, patent professionals, and business leaders have relied on CAS solutions and expertise to provide the hindsight, insight, and foresight they need so they can build upon the learnings of the past to discover a better future. CAS is a division of the American Chemical Society.


Technology Intern

May 2019 - August 2019 Columbus, OH
“I got the opportunity to work on a development team that worked on a new web application for CAS. Instead of one big project, I was assigned cards from the Sprint Board. This allowed me to work on several parts of the application and it gave me a better understanding of what it would be like to be a full time software engineer at CAS. I learned both front and back end technologies, testing frameworks, and Agile development practices. In addition, there were numerous intern events where I got to hear from and meet executives, employees, and other interns across several functional areas. Overall, It was a fantastic opportunity that allowed me to grow as a software engineer and a professional. I highly recommend an internship at CAS!”

Software Developer Intern

May 2019 - July 2019 Columbus, OH
“I liked that we had a teams of managers that were available for interns to speak to when they needed help I liked that we the biweekly check ins where managers can check on our progress and offer advise I liked that we were given the opportunity to work on projects we are interested in I liked that they organised events that allowed us to meet and share our experiences among interns I liked that they organised an event at the end that allowed us to present what we did during the internship to all CAS employees. I liked that they gave us free tickets to a concert after the internship”
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