City of Edinburg
Office Assistant
March - August 2020 • Edinburg, TX
What I liked
The staff around me were all very supportive and friendly.
What I wish was different
The pay did not change even when my duties/responsibilities grew away from just those of an office assistant.
This is a great place to work! Avoid having conversations with co-workers about other co-workers.
One person found this helpful
Event Coordinator
June - August 2018 • Edinburg, TX
What I liked
It wasn't too taxing and it was also fun
What I wish was different
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Standardized Test Tutor
June - July 2018 • Edinburg, TX
What I liked
Being able to tutor high school students with their math, reading and writing assignments.
What I wish was different
Being able to tutor science students.
It was a nice experience because I was able to work with teachers and staff.
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