Cleft of the Rock Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization and we believe that we have been entrusted to build up our society from its core, The Family. We will provide the tools needed to parent children in all aspects, while providing education, coaching, reprieve, support, food, shelter and clothing to neglected, abused and abandoned children and struggling families. The goal is to support parents and families to ultimately raise responsible adults, who are prepared to go out into the world with the tools that are required to be productive citizens and to live abundant lives. We started the process of applying for a 501(c)(3) 5 years ago, and on April 26th, 2018 we received our approval from the State of Florida.
The foundations vision and mission statements are:
Vision- Building communities where families are strong and children are safe through the love and support of deliberate parenting.
Mission – To help abused and abandoned children and/or struggling families improve their circumstances through education, life-coaching, proper shelter, nourishment and work.
We recognize that "struggling" is a relative term, and are here also to support those who may appear to be financially stable and emotionally sound, but who need the support of "The Village" in order to navigate the complexities of parenthood in this ever-changing world.