Democracy North Carolina

About Democracy North Carolina

Democracy North Carolina (Democracy NC) works to strengthen democratic structures, build power in disenfranchised communities, and inspire confidence in a transformed political process that works for all. Through grassroots organizing, policy advocacy and research, and strategic communications, the nonpartisan organization aims to protect and advance voting access, ensure fair representation, and increase the participation of those historically underrepresented in the political process, especially people of color. For nearly 30 years, this 501(c)3 nonprofit (and its predecessor, Democracy South) has taken on powerful institutions and politicians, regardless of party, and promoted reforms that expand public involvement in civic life. Democracy NC works closely and in coalition with reform-minded local, state, and national partners to achieve the policy outcomes and grassroots participation necessary for a just and equitable democracy.


Organizing Intern

May 2020 - July 2020 Durham, NC
“I love that I got to connect with many individuals in the community that shared their experience with us on how they advocating for better early voting opportunities especially with COVID in our midst.”

Organizing Intern

May 2021 - July 2021 Greensboro, NC
“I absolutely loved the environment at Democracy NC. The work environment values each worker as a human being first. In fact, we were called 'friendterns' instead of interns! I also am very grateful for all that I learned and all of the hands on experience I got. I know now how to effectively lobby for voters rights and so much more about organizing as a profession!”
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