Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Direct Marketing Intern

September - December 2023 • Washington, DC

What I liked

The DCCC internship experience was incredibly enriching and rewarding. There was an overwhelming amount of professional development support; the culture of the DCCC is extremely collaborative and welcoming. The Direct Marketing team was an absolute pleasure to work with, and I truly felt like part of the team.

What I wish was different

I was unfortunately unable to attend the majority of the intern cohort events based on scheduling conflicts, so I felt disconnected from my peers.


Network, network, network! Everyone at the DCCC is happy to connect with interns, so don't be afraid to reach out beyond your specific intern department.
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Campaign Intern

June - August 2022 • Kingston, NY

What I liked

I loved working with a team, as well as the flexibility of hours and location (since I was mostly remote). I was also was extremely motivated to pursue campaigning in the future, especially due to the motivation everyone on the team had to win in such a short amount of time.

What I wish was different

I definitely wish I'd gone into the experience with understanding of working with volunteers outside of the campaign.


I would definitely pursue this experience if you're interested in campaigning/government or even if you are just interested in getting more acquainted with political processes. One thing to keep in mind that was a bit tough for me to grapple at first is the fact that throughout campaigning, negative responses or dealing with difficult people are normal! You can always lean on your team and team leaders to help you out.
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June - August 2018 • Washington, DC

What I liked

Learning about and participating in the political process.

What I wish was different

The hours were long.


Make sure to connect with everyone you worked with (and others) so that when you leave they become part of your network.
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Campaign Fellow

May - June 2018 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

the team environment was great and I was able to network with people who will be helpful in the job search later.

What I wish was different


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