Denton ISD

About Denton ISD

Denton Independent School District has been committed to providing a quality education since it was founded in 1882. The district – located about 25 miles north of Dallas and Fort Worth – encompasses 186 square miles and contains all or parts of 18 cities, communities or major developments. Although it covers a large area, Denton ISD's unique small town community environment separates it from the growing, larger suburban school districts within the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Denton ISD is able to offer all the programs available from larger school districts while maintaining a small community climate.


Pediatric RN

July 2019 - July 2019 Denton, TX
“I was able to interact with the pediatric population and expand my knowledge in emergency care of minor health concerns while still monitoring their current healthcare treatment. It was really fulfilling to watch as these children with disabilities overcame obstacles and met their goals in such a short time. ”
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