DeVries Global

About DeVries Global

DeVries Global is an international consumer PR and marketing agency with offices in New York, London, Singapore and China, and affiliates, colleagues and contacts everywhere in between. We tout serious publicity chops, strategic rigor and a successful track record of disciplined account management for global marketers and iconic consumer brands.

But experience is nothing without a hunger for what’s new and next. That’s why we at DeVries Global are ravenous consumers of pop culture, and deeply immersed in emerging media. With a relatively short client list, we’re able to keep our account staff focused on only one or two clients. Our clients seem to like it this way; the average length of our client relationships is nine years.


Public Relations Intern

May 2018 - September 2018 New York City, NY
“I loved the ability to concentrate on two accounts and really dive in deep. It was an amazing company culture and I truly felt like part of the team.”
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