Discovery Inc.

Backend Software Engineer

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Using school work to make real changes in the company

What I wish was different

Everything was amazing as it was


Keep learning and pushing your limits. Learn more backend and algorithms and know your data structures before interviewing.
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Production and Operations Intern

June - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Great learning environment for all aspects of production, very welcoming to interns.

What I wish was different

I wish I took advantage of the internship program events more often in order to connect with the other interns since I was the only intern in my office.


Make your goals/interests clear to your supervisor because there are so many people in the office they can connect you with to put on a path that is best fit for you.
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Camp Counselor

July - August 2019 • Argo Village, NY

What I liked

What I wish was different

I wish the salary was higher


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May - August 2019 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

Freedom to create and contribute a lot of creative and important content, nice coworkers, great networking, lots of fun and productive intern events

What I wish was different



Network as much as you can while you're there
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Communications Intern

May 2019 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

The company culture and how much they support interns.

What I wish was different

Nothing really, I had a great experience.


Put your whole heart and mind into it. That’s how you’ll get the most out of it.
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Crew Chief

June - August 2019 • Marlton, NJ

What I liked

The experiences

What I wish was different

Better hours


Be ready to work hard
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Marketing Intern

May - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

Thoughtful coworkers, Understanding and Patient boss. Hands-on experience.

What I wish was different

I wish it would have lasted longer!


Be yourself, this is where I learned that as long as you are nice and want to learn, there will always be someone who is willing to help you.
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Vet Corps Navigator

September 2019 • St. Martin's, County Clare

What I liked

The interaction with all of the students, veterans, spouses, dependents, non-vets and everybody in the community

What I wish was different

I'm still having fun. I like the personal and meaningful connections.


Make the connection to everyone and not just limiting yourself to the veteran community. It may say vet corps navigator, however it also impacts everyone in the community, campus and beyond. On the website, the options for employer and location are limited. There's no other choice to place my location of St Martin's University and Americorps. This needs to be changed and expanded.
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