DoubleCheck Research

About DoubleCheck Research

DoubleCheck is an established leader in win/loss and churn research and analysis. Our team of experienced analysts design and deliver research programs for a wide range of business-to-business (B2B) technology companies. Using a structured, scalable process, we enable our clients to improve their win rates by making more informed and impactful business decisions.

We align well with organizations who consider win/loss a strategic imperative and are looking for a partner who goes beyond just conducting interviews on their behalf. After all, effective win/loss programs and partnerships are much more than simply collecting data.


Research Associate

July 2020 Concord, MA
“Being a Research Associate at DoubleCheck Research has been a wonderful experience; I've learned how to apply what I've learned in the classroom to a professional setting and received mentorship along the way. This job has not only improved my professional communications, but also taught me how to start a marketing campaign, create reports, and conduct professional research. It's a company made of great people and interesting work!”
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