What I wish was different
Do not offer part-time schedules, they only want full timers, but they called me from December through June asking me over and over again to work for them
Every time I told them my student status and they insisted they work with students, until they laid me off along with hundreds of other students, temps and others
The San Antonio management is embarrassingly unprofessional, I wish they took more after FW Murphy, but they also take advantage of them as well
I don't appreciate getting lied to and how they tried to convince me that this was a good job for students and then got laid off because I was a student
This company is really sleezy and act like they don't rotate out their employees knowingly especially considering they have been around since 1994
With 28 years of experience, you are not going to trick me into thinking that this was an experimental process, they know exactly what they are doing and take advantage of students