Elements Massage

About Elements Massage

Elements Massage therapeutic approach is designed to match you with the therapist and the specific technique that's best for your unique health and wellness situation. We customize each massage session to the specific needs of every client and often incorporate techniques from each type of massage to ensure that you receive the best and most appropriate treatment.

Elements was originally founded by a registered massage therapist in July of 2000 with 1 location in Aurora, Colorado. The second location opened four years later in a shopping center where a Fitness Together® (Elements’ sister franchise system) fitness studio was also located. The founders of Elements and Fitness Together joined forces in 2006, and since then, the Elements system has expanded across the United States.

What makes Elements unique is that it was founded by a massage therapist who understands the massage industry and the needs, capabilities and limitations of massage therapists. Elements was created in part to enhance the connection between therapists and clients so that clients receive a massage that is specific to their needs.

Therapeutic massage is medically proven to alleviate stress, lower blood pressure, and decrease the severity of conditions such as migraine headaches, insomnia and depression. The therapeutic benefits of massage can have a positive, lasting impact on an individual’s health and wellness.


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June 2018 Henrico, VA
“I love my co-workers and making extra money.”


January 2018 Troy, MI
“Flexible work hours and great staff.”
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