FlickHouse Studios

Film Intern - Associate Producer/Project Manager

February - June 2023 • Miami, FL

What I liked

What I wish was different


I gained valuable insights into how the film industry operates, whether you are pursuing screenwriting, cinematography, editing, directing, gaffer, key grip, or other roles. If you are applying for film internships, I recommend engaging with your colleagues, being attentive, not overcomplicating your workload, keeping up with deadlines and tasks, and maintaining open communication with interns and mentors. This is crucial when networking with clients and pursuing a career in the film industry.
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August - November 2023 • Miami, FL

What I liked

Though remote, the interns were nice to work with.

What I wish was different

More leadership and clear communication from the employer. The employer was also very passive aggressive at times and had been caught making racist comments about an intern to another person. A lot of the projects assigned were individual, but with how little leadership there was from the employer, it feel like the interns were doing free labor.


There's not much consistency, which hinders the efficiency of the program, so having that improved would be very beneficial. Personally, would not recommend this internship.
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Associate producer

January - March 2024 • Miami, FL

What I liked

It gives a real world feel on how it is in the industry and how to navigate this unfamiliar territory.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been a little more hands on with the camera but I found a different role.


This was eye opening and a wake up call
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July - October 2023 • Miami, FL

What I liked

Being a music major, it was different working in the film sector. I learned new information that can be applied to the music industry.

What I wish was different

Everyone should have been treated equally. Also, there should have been more consistency from the director that was in charge of the internship. There were many times when a scheduled meeting would start later than scheduled or would be completely rescheduled. The director was not supportive most of the time and relied on us to literally do all the work for his projects. Another intern made a review agreeing that he was using the interns for free labor. The treatment I received was not the best and other interns I spoke with noticed it as well. The director is misogynistic and racist. He definitely does not believe in giving women of color a fair shot.


I advise if you are a woman of color do not apply for this internship. The director will not respect you and will gaslight you at every turn. Do not feel obligated to work at an internship that does not value you.
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FlickHouse Studios Intern

August 2023 • Miami, FL

What I liked

I love that the internship offered me various opportunities in different sects of film, from development, to marketing and financing, to production, and so on. But there was a multitude of work to develop my skills in, and there was no shortage of such. I had the opportunity to meet with many talented people, all dedicated to the craft, and prepare for my career.

What I wish was different


Make sure to keep time management in mind; the sooner that projects and assignments are completed, the further you'll be able to go with them.
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Associate Producer

February - July 2022 • Miami, FL

What I liked

I was able to learn many skills during this internship, specifically relating to the pre-production process of filmmaking that I have been able to apply into my own projects. This internship also helped me become familiarized with different roles on a film set and the collaboration needed to make films come to life.

What I wish was different


Take advantage of the resources provided to you and come into this internship with an open mind. You will learn a lot and you will be able to apply much of what you've learned into your own filmmaking journey.
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FlickHouse Studios Intern

May 2022 • Miami, FL

What I liked

I had a great experience interning at a FlickHouse. I learned a lot, met some great people, and had the opportunity to work on some exciting projects. I would highly recommend an internship at a film studio to anyone who is interested in a career in the film industry.

What I wish was different

The internship was a great way to learn about the film industry and to network with people in the business. I was able to take advantage of the studio's resources, such as the library and the screening room.


Always work. I gained a lot of valuable experience during my internship. I learned about the different aspects of film production, from script development to post-production. I also had the opportunity to meet and work with some talented people in the industry.
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