Georgia Institute of Technology

Research Intern

May - July 2021 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I loved being on site and interacting with other interns doing adjacent projects. Our topics were related but also incredibly different, so there was a lot of room to share new research with other people. I also loved learning how to code! I was working with Matlab for my project and I learned how to use my terminal and linux for another geodynamic software.

What I wish was different

I wish the interns and I were able to go on an excursion specifically for our cohort. This was the first year that this program was available so I get why they focused on the research aspect rather than social things.


I would definitely say take advantage of the time you get with your supervisor. Come prepared to the meetings you have with your PI since that is a time to clarify things that you could not figure out on your own. The point of research is to see where your questions take you, but there is no use in being stuck on something that can be worked out together.
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Graduate Research Assistant

August 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Getting a GRA offer depends on going a bit beyond the basics. The schools will have a system in place to try and match you to professors, but all of the offers I got were from reaching out to professors directly during AND after the campus visit. They see a lot of qualified applicants in a very short time, but keeping in touch helps to make you stand out from the crowd.
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Sr. Manager of Systems Support Engineering

September 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

Challenges and opportunity to learn and grow my skill set.

What I wish was different



Work hard it pays off.
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Chemistry Research Intern

May - July 2019 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

The students and research experiences had were very diverse. There were also a variety of seminars and activities that made the REU inclusive and informative outside of actual research.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been more focus on options outside of graduate school, but this was a program for prospective graduate researchers so the emphasis was understandable.


Go in with an open mind! Everyone there is present and ready for a great experience. They are there for a reason or with a goal or just to learn, and hearing about those goals and reasons is some of the best times.
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Research Tech.

October 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

They were ready to wait for my documntation as an international employee.

What I wish was different



Networking is everything during the job search!
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Visiting Researcher

May - July 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I like the new environment I was exposed to, as well as the research I participated in and the people I worked with throughout the program.

What I wish was different

I wish the scheduling of the program had been different. Some seminars were scheduled when I should've been in the lab, so those seminars took valuable time away from my work in the lab.


Get the most out of the program; network with professors around the campus, do research inside and outside of the lab; build friendships with the other participants, and most of all, have fun in the entirety of the experience!
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Visiting Researcher

May - July 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I got to expand my knowledge within my field,learn about opportunities within other areas as well as interact with possible PhD professors.

What I wish was different

Maybe having more fieldwork or road-trips within the program.


Never say no to any opportunity offered to you during the program. Getting yourself known and out there greatly enhances your experience.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

May - July 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

Atlanta: the food, the people

What I wish was different

Research topic maybe


Georgia Tech SURE Program - Highly recommend to underrepresented minorities curious about research and/or grad school.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

May - August 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I was able to work along a post-doc multiple carbon capture projects. Dr.Sujan's mentorship made all the difference. I was able to pick up many skills, and learned about publishing scientific findings. It was a lot of fun. The lab group was very welcoming and open.

What I wish was different


Don't doubt yourself. An email can go a long way. I emailed the professor without any connection, and I was able to get an interview. I loved the research and the experience.
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