Jeff Ellis Management

Is there a certain interview process I should expect for a lifeguard position at Jeff Ellis Management?

Prepare to pass the swim test: 200 meter swim 2-3 minutes treading water pencil dive to retrieve a 5 lb block from bottom of pool As for interview questions, prepare to answer questions about your team work experiences, experiences with children, your responsibilities, why you want the job.
Interview Lifeguard Jeff Ellis Management Swimming Pool
1 answer

Fill me in on what a work day looks like for a lifeguard at Jeff Ellis Management!

We opened 1-2 hours before the facility opened in order to clean and prepare the pool deck for guests/swimmers.Once opened, expect to stay on stand, remaining vigilent of the water for 30 minutes - 1 hour. After each stand we have a 30 minute “break” (not exactly a break because we need to prepar...
Day in the Life Lifeguard Jeff Ellis Management Swimming Pool
1 answer