Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential (LEAP) is an agent of positive change, working to advance participation and equality in society for people with disabilities in Northeast Ohio. Headquartered in Cleveland, LEAP reaches six counties in Northeast Ohio.
LEAP provides information, education, training, employment and independent living services to people with disabilities so that they can live in their own homes, participate in community life, and find and maintain stable employment. To ensure delivery of effective services, the majority of staff and board members at LEAP are people with disabilities themselves.
LEAP is a federally recognized Center for Independent Living (CIL). CILs are non-residential places of action and coalition where persons with disabilities learn and develop necessary skills, empowering them to make their own life choices. In addition, LEAP is accredited by CARF International, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, which is the major international accrediting agency for health and human service providers.