Literacy Minnesota

About Literacy Minnesota

Literacy Minnesota works to build a more equitable society by making quality literacy education available to all. Literacy—the ability to read, communicate and access information—is critical for navigating the workforce, advocating for oneself and fulfilling basic needs.

We are a comprehensive literacy resource, providing free classes for adults and children; supporting literacy organizations through volunteer recruitment, training and teaching tools; and creating new pathways for groups and individuals to reach their full potential.

Literacy Minnesota is recognized as a local and national leader and a driving force behind the latest developments in literacy learning. Our strong roots in the state of Minnesota bolster our broader leadership.

Summer Reads and Literacy Leadership are two of our major programs. Summer Reads focuses on supporting students entering grades K-5, and Literacy Leadership focuses on working behind the scenes to make literacy programs more effective through two tracks - Literacy for All and Digital Literacy. We do this work by partnering with other organizations (or host sites) across the nation.


Community Outreach Intern

May 2018 - August 2018 Saint Paul, MN
“I loved being involved in so many aspects of this organization's work—I got to interact with volunteers, students, board members, learning center employees, and many others, and I feel like I learned a lot about community engagement and the way nonprofits function. Also, the people I worked with at the Minnesota Literacy Council were all wonderful, and I loved getting to know them.”
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