Malka Media Group

Video Production Assistant

September - December 2017 • Hoboken, NJ

What I liked

Being able to be on production sets for different companies such as Amazon, LoReal and many others

What I wish was different

What I wish was different was being treated like the person you dump everything you don’t feel like doing onto. I felt at times I wasted 10 hours there doing tasks that didn’t contribute to anything but their benefit to be lazy but I made do. Interns don’t get paid sometimes but we not slaves


Not all internships are the same some are beneficial than others but just because you did one doesn’t mean you stop there. Keep doing till u find the right people
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Video Production Intern

June - August 2018 • Jersey City, NJ

What I liked

The company's small, tight-knit nature allowed me savor the taste of what a film and media production company environment would be like in the future and communicated to me towards how to proficiently manage a variety of tasks and projects within said environment.

What I wish was different

Since them being a small film and media production company that recently moved offices from Hoboken to Jersey City as well as hired a multitude of other interns, all with the same position and job requirements, it was difficult for them to divide an equal amount of tasks to each of us.


Students looking for internships within a small film and media production company, such as Malka Media Group, can go in learning the basics of working within the media industry, but can as well provide their own talents and perspectives to the company for them to enhance their abilities for future internships and jobs down the road. Another piece of advice is to have initiative. Presenting your interests and standing amongst the crowd can provide a better networking opportunity for you as well as enhance your experiences within those fields.
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