Got any tips regarding the interview process for a bioengineering research internship at NASA Ames?

Best way to prepare for an interview with NASA is to do your research about the position, the branch it is in and the specific projects they are working on. All this information can be found online through their official NASA Ames Research Center website.
Internship Research Aerospace Bioengineering NASA Ames Research Center NASA Ames
1 answer

What is it like to be a bioengineering research intern at the Ames Research Center?

NASA provides the needed tools and a learning environment for one to thrive on academically and professionally. A lot of resources are thrown your way to ensure you have the most support one can have during the duration of the internship. Ames Research Center is a great campus which allows one to...
Internship Day in the Life Research Aerospace Bioengineering NASA Ames Research Center NASA Ames
1 answer