New England Aquarium

Teen Program Advisor

June - August 2021 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I loved the environment! I've worked with the Aquarium before as a Teen Intern in the program, and last summer, I had to opportunity to help run the same program that I worked for a couple of summers prior. It was incredibly rewarding getting to work with teens and an amazing staff.

What I wish was different

I wish I had a little more clarity on my obligations, but overall, it was an amazing experience.


One piece of advice I would share about this experience is to definitely trust yourself and your abilities: it might feel like a lot at first, but you are definitely qualified and capable.
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Camp Counselor Intern

June - August 2022 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Being outdoors, working with youth

What I wish was different



Great learning experience in providing unique opportunities in environmental exploration while teaching stewardship.
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Marine Mammal Research and Education Intern

May 2019 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I had an extraordinary experience working for the New England Aquarium as a Marine Mammal Research and Education Intern. Working on the Whale Watching boats, I was able to conduct both data collection on marine mammals as well as discuss environmental conservation. I collected data on the identification, behavior, and location of marine mammals in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, as well information about weather and marine debris. Furthermore, I was able to engage a broad public audience by discussing themes such as the impact of climate change on humpback whales. I was granted immense responsibility, and enjoyed the chance to advance skills such as fieldwork data collection and public engagement. Furthermore, I loved the team dynamic of my division and the opportunity to be in a productive and engaging learning environment.

What I wish was different


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Aquarist Intern

June - August 2019 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Having the opportunity to work with a variety of different animals from fish to octopuses.

What I wish was different

I hoped to have had more immersive experiences.


Enjoy every day and learn as much as you can.
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Marine Mammal Education and Research Intern

May - August 2019 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Working as an educator and data collector aboard the Whale Watch boats associated with the New England Aquarium allowed me to gain expertise and experience in two areas of interest which connected back to my Environmental Studies major. Everyday I interacted with and helped in educating the passengers aboard on topics ranging from fun facts about the whales we might see to ocean conservation efforts. While the boat maneuvered appropriately around the whales out on Stellwagen Bank, a natural Marine sanctuary, I also had the opportunity to help in data collection on the organizational and feeding behaviors of these charismatic megafauna.

What I wish was different


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Marine mammal education and research intern

May - September 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

This was an absolutely amazing experience. I was able to collect data in the field aboard NEAq whale watches and observe the marine mammals of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in their natural environment. The full time staff was incredibly helpful and supportive throughout the learning process and the entire summer.

What I wish was different


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Aquarist Intern

June - August 2018 • Quincy, MA

What I liked

The Aquarists and Animal Care staff always took the time to explain what they were doing and why they were doing it. This helped me get a better understanding on everything happening around the quarantine center and allowed me access to background knowledge which I could then apply to other areas of animal care and husbandry during this internship.

What I wish was different


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Yawkey Gallery Aquarist Intern

June - September 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Sean Costello of the New England Aquarium provided an immersive and educational look into the care of many Caribbean species of corals and fish. The entire aquarium was involved in my internship and I was able to gain experience in many aspects of fish and invert care, biology,identification, and even reef ecology. I interacted with different galleries and worked with animals in different stages of their life and acclimation to their new home.

What I wish was different


Apply to multiple galleries to be placed into one that best suits your needs. I was unsure when applying and through the interview process they found the best fit for me.
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Marine Science Summer Camp Intern

June - August 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I loved getting to spend my summer outside making a difference in campers’ lives by teaching them science in a fun and accessible way!

What I wish was different

Would not change a thing- the staff, campers, and activities were all amazing!


I would recommend applying early and really doing your research before the interview. The Aquarium receives hundreds of applicants for very few spots and the interview is your chance to stand out!
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Marine Mammal Research and Education

May - August 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

My favorite part was engaging with over 300 passengers on the catamaran. It was wonderful to share the knowledge I gain from the internship. Seeing how fascinated the crowd after our whale watch and the knowledge I had about the whales. Passengers telling to be a naturalist which is the next step up in the program made me realized that I was doing beyond my internship. I love every time we had to see a wave goodbye to the passengers, they would thank us for an amazing experience.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more interns working in double shifts.


I would say I wish I could have prior knowledge of Stellwagen Bank before I started my internship.
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