New York Minute Magazine


October 2017 • Clarkston, MI

What I liked

I love that this internship is virtual because I can do it from anywhere. The experience for writing articles has been extremely beneficial.

What I wish was different

I wish I could receive credit for this internship from Oakland.


Oakland does not accept virtual internships as credit so be aware of that.
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Writing Intern

May - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked


What I wish was different

This is a for-profit magazine where every employee, besides the boss, is an intern. It's a part time, unpaid gig, but you're berated if you're ever away for more than thirty minutes, and you're constantly asked to do work outside of your job description. I did this job two summers ago, and I'm still mad about it. This company should not exist.


Don't do it. The work environment is toxic, the articles are forced to be clickbaity, and there are ZERO non-intern employees.
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Writing Intern

July 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I liked the fact that I was able to consistently write articles and gain a lot of experience with journalistic style writing. I got valuable experience with deadlines and working collaboratively with a team.

What I wish was different

I wish this internship was in person instead of remote. I wish I could have experienced a writing career in an actual office setting, but I got the experience nonetheless.


Make sure you are on top of your game if you apply for this position. There is no room for slacking and if you cannot meet deadlines, you shouldn't apply.
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Video Graphic Design Intern

March - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I got really good experience regarding project management and efficiency.

What I wish was different

I wish the title was a little of the internship was more true to what I ended up doing. I only made videos and rarely did any graphic design,


Don't take the criticism on your work too personally. They have a clear image of what they want their content to look like that might not fit what you give them at first.
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Social media marketing intern

May - November 2017 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

Learning new techniques and tools for my career.

What I wish was different

Not being virtual, it was basically 24/7, very difficult to contact coworkers, didn’t have a leader or anyone an expert in the field, was not open to suggestions and felt like I was not wanted.


Be prepared to be on call 24/7, there is no room to grow in the company itself so try to learn as many skills as you can so you bring them to another job
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Public Realtions intern

May 2018 • Las Vegas, NV

What I liked

The internship was remote. I really liked having the flexibility to work from anywhere at the times that worked best for me.

What I wish was different

I wish that we had a few more interns because it was a lot of work but it was worth the learning experience and portfolio that I have now.


If your internship is not paid I would recommend trying to find an online / remote internship so that you can still work or go to classes without the extra stress.
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