Nypro Healthcare

Manufacturing Engineer

May - August 2019 • Devens, MA

What I liked

Great workplace culture.

What I wish was different

I wish I had asked for more tasking to learn more -- I had some downtime that I didn't take full advantage of.


Be ready to learn.
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Inspector Packer

June 2019 • Clinton, MA

What I liked

I love the environment of the workplace

What I wish was different


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May - August 2019 • Clinton, MA

What I liked

Easy work, and a good representation of how medical manufacturering companies work.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have applied earlier for an internship position because the company did not account for an employee's strengths


Being patient is key.
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Mechanical Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Clinton, MA

What I liked

This was my third year back at Nypro. I love this company and the opportunities I've been given here. I was able to be part of the design meetings for new machines, assemble larger projects, learn about wiring, and see the tests of machines. This summer I was able to see parts of the entire process of machine building, from the initial meeting to seeing it run. I have learned so much and it furthered my love of engineering. The two previous years I've worked here, I've been working on the running machines, so being part of the team that designs and develops them was a helpful experience. It also confirmed that's the side of mechanical engineering I would love to pursue after graduation.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been there longer. The summer was a wonderful learning experience, but so much was coming after I left that I would have loved to be part of. However, I have been offered a chance to return to Nypro, and I will gladly take it.


My one piece of advice is to never be afraid to take on a project, even if it's outside of your team, or comfort zone. Often I would be given a project that I wasn't sure I could do, but I accepted anyway. I spent time learning on my own and asking plenty of questions from my team. In the end, I am glad I took every opportunity I was presented with, because it brought me to bigger and better projects. I also learned a lot from stepping out of my comfort zone.
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Machine Operator

June - August 2017 • Clinton, MA

What I liked

The people were very cheerful towards me despite working 7 pm to 7 am.

What I wish was different

The contracting agency/agent never returned my calls. I had no contact to my superior or my temp. agency. Starting the job, things weren't explained well at all. There was no storage for my belongings.


12 hour night shifts are too difficult and not worth the stress.
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