NYU Langone Health

IT Intern

June - August 2019 • New York, NY

What I liked

Learning IT at a much larger organization within the healthcare industry.

What I wish was different

Having more responsibilities and personal connections within the organization.


That it is a good experience in becoming IT technician. You get to learn the nitty gritty of a starting position in IT.
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July 2021 - August 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I enjoyed getting to work with and observe many types of healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, radiologists, and physician’s assistants.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been more opportunity for discussion and hands-on work.


Be prepared to ask questions and advocate for yourself! The medical professionals are super busy but are very willing to help you out if you ask.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I enjoyed building an academic and professional relationship with my mentors, while working on important research projects that I feel will help me my apply my academic interests towards building my career.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had properly maintained a proper work-life balance environment, since I was navigating a workload while being an unpaid intern.


One piece of advice I would share is to network creatively and strategically so that you build worthwhile relationships with mentors who can further help you in the field you want to pursue and teach you more about the field or career.
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Psychology Research Assistant

May - July 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I learned a lot and was given concrete work to do, even work that had to do with contacting patients.

What I wish was different

I wish this was a payed opportunity.


I would say go out of your way to work extra and find things that could be helpful for your lab. The research personel is busy so getting ahead of the curve is always helpful.
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Shadowing Intern

May - June 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

My mentor was incredible. They were kind, communicative, and really invested in my learning experience. They made me feel really welcome and I learned so much about hand therapy and occupational therapy. The facilities are also fantastic and it was a privelege and honor to be able to work in such a renowned institution. I got to foster meaningful relationships with patients and observe diverse pathologies and patient populations.

What I wish was different


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PrMEIR Intern

June 2020 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I very much enjoyed working with the staff of the PrMEIR team at NYU Langone. The administrators and researchers cared about your progress throughout the internship and made sure to listen to interns who had questions and wanted to engage with the program more. The workload was manageable and the climate of the team was very amiable--I got to facilitate a Haiku-writing session in one of our morning sessions, while the other interns also prepared various activities. It was a fun environment to work in, as well as feeling as though I was working towards something important in the long run.

What I wish was different

Due to COVID, the internship was held remotely through Zoom. Though I am grateful for the continued opportunity to have professional experience despite the host of other internships that were canceled due to the pandemic, I still wish I had had the opportunity to see the PrMEIR office at the Bellevue Hospital and work within a professional environment--an important skill to have.


One piece of advice I would share is: don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Interns, especially student interns can sometimes be afraid to speak up or let themselves be heard because it is inherently an inferior role in the hierarchy of administration. But, being able to voice your opinion--regardless of what it is--is important to not only distinguish yourself as someone passionate about their work, but essential to developing professional skills that can be applied anywhere you go. It also helps create connections and establish networking with people who may become important later in your life.
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Student Nurse Extern

June 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great Hands on Experience

What I wish was different

Smaller group more individual training


Put yourself out there and always be on your feet and ready to help! Makes the nurses and PCTs love you and then show you all the cool things happening on the floor
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Research Coordinator

October 2018 - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I enjoyed the atmosphere of doing research within a medical facility. Being able to work with data, analyze it, and then prepare them for doctor's review was fulfilling for me and grounded me in my decision to work within the medical research industry.

What I wish was different

I do wish there was more patient contact within the hospital. However, my position only allowed me to work with the data, the physician, and PI of the research study.


Take the risk! Some people tend to shy away from research experiences because they feel it might be too tedious or not what they would expect as a pre-med student looking for a medical experience; however, research can surprise you! You might be doing work that you did not realize you have an interest in; so do not be afraid to say yes!
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June 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Yes, I interacted and gain experience with patients on my unit.

What I wish was different

Increase the lunch card money as it was not enough to pay for a full meal at the cafeteria.


This opportunity is a great experience for future nursing students and medical students.
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Undergraduate Summer Research Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The massive amounts of hands-on lab experience I got, and being able to run my own research project within the overall group project that significantly contributed to the aim of the research project. Being able to take graduate level and doctoral level classes for free while I was at the institution and being able to meet so many amazing people from such different backgrounds while I was there.

What I wish was different

I wish we had more time!


Don't be intimidated by things you don't know, the people there are so kind and accommodating, they are willing to work with you every step of the way to make sure you succeed.
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Research Intern

October 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

My lab has a wonderful and supportive environment.

What I wish was different

I was only onboarded to get paid towards the end of summer and payment didn’t but start counting until mid September. I wish the process was more efficient.


I’m working in a developmental biology basic research lab. I think it’s really helpful to actually read the papers that your research project is based off of/expanding upon so you really know what’s going on and can become more invested in your work. And don’t be afraid to ask colleagues for help.
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Biology Research Intern

June 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Well funded research center that gave lots of independence while also providing guidance for interns

What I wish was different

Location is difficult to reach - 20minute walk to train


Meet lots of other researchers and go to the meetings and seminars!! Surround yourself in that environment so you know what you're getting into if research is your future plan.
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Biology Research Intern

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great hands-on research experience, got to work on my own project under supervision of a post-doc.

What I wish was different

Wish it was longer so that I could have finished the project I was working on. There was a long onboarding process


Decide to do it early so that you can get onboarding out of the way.
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Biology Research Intern

June 2008 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Friendly Staff, flexible work hours (depends on your PI), great learning experience

What I wish was different

Better stipend


Be patient, a lot of lab technicians learned English as their second language, so they might not be able to communicate as clearly as you would like. They are all very nice and very good people as long as you take the time to get to know them!
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Biology Laboratory Assistant

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Fast paced learning environment.

What I wish was different

More interns would have been helpful to share the experience with.


Read every paper you can get your hands on about your topic. Ask for help as often as you can, because people have always been willing to help.
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Human Resources Intern

September 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I love that I am given so much responsibility to do things on my own and have lots of freedom! Great environment

What I wish was different

I wish it was more than 1 day a week and could possibly be a paid internship! Definitely would have had been able to gain even more experience if was more than 1x a week!!


Don’t be afraid to take risks! Everything you do gets reviewed by your supervisor but if you have an idea don’t be afraid to share it, you never know where it may go
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I loved that I was able to conduct and assist on neurological research, which is something that I am highly passionate about.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to get published in a research paper but I was unable to do that in such a short amount of time


Do research! It's really cool and it gives you experience and insight on what it is like to be a researcher. It's more than just doing laboratory experiments.
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Pulmonology Medical Scribe

May - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Learning where operations can be applied while working within a specialist's office is what I enjoyed most about my position. In light of my experiences here (+500 hours at NYU Langone Health in New York, New York -- approximately seeing 2,200 patients this summer with a physician), I will continue to combine my two areas of curiosity and interest, healthcare and technology. In particularly, the knowledge of how a medical practice functions, and meeting the demands required of running private medical practice. This wealth of knowledge has given me more insight on compliance and regulations. I'm interested in creating an electronic healthcare record technology and am currently exploring current companies that are working in the healthcare field currently.

What I wish was different

I wish more opportunities like these had been presented to our university. The caliber that the University of Texas comes from should have more career opportunities that allow for students to reach out. It would be great if the career department at the university would receive more funding to help students find opportunities like these. Perhaps money would be given to new positions that would create/establish relationships with companies/institutions. This would render a great summer experience and successful future career prospects.


Explore and fear laziness. I was reluctant to go out-of-state. However, like most difficult experiences, they are more often than not very rewarding. My summer has certainly been true to this.
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HCOP Intern

May - June 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The program was thoughtfully structured with placement in a department of the Rusk Rehabilitation Center for the morning and a guest-lecturer (physician, physical therapist, women's health, etc.) or Kaplan speaker to discuss standardized testing and grad application information in the afternoon. I also learned from highly skilled professionals from NYU Langone Health.

What I wish was different

I wish I had received more experience with speech-language pathologists, as this is my desired field. However, I learned more about rehabilitation care - the SLP patient population and setting with which I am most interested - and a health department related to SLPs.


I would tell individuals to actively speak with the professionals they shadow, ask questions, offer insights, and otherwise engage with the people you are shadowing. You not only make an important professional connection this way, but you also learn more about the job and feel more engaged and excited about the internship everyday. In the health care field, observing is the closest you can get to treating patients, so might as well make the most of a passive experience by working to actively take in information by engaging with others.
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Speech Language Pathology Health Care Opportunity Program Intern

July - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Incredible experience! I loved how we had equal opportunities to shadow in the hospital as well as attend talks about a variety of professions.

What I wish was different


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