Sacramento State

About Sacramento State

Sacramento State, affectionately called Sac State, is an outstanding and affordable comprehensive university just a few miles from California's Capitol. (Visit our page on "The Capital's University.")

Classrooms, labs, offices, and other facilities are nestled in a 3,500-tree urban forest alongside the American River. In addition to the bustling University life, all that Sacramento has to offer is moments away.

Our exceptional faculty is dedicated to student success, with one professor for every 27 students and an average of 34 students in each classroom. Sac State's legacy is its proud alumni, who make up the heart of the region's workforce and some of its finest leaders.


Library student assistant

July 2021 Sacramento, CA
“The staff is friendly. The interview went well and I spoke of my experience. ”

Imaging Student Assistant

April 2020 Sacramento, CA
“I enjoy the atmosphere of the office and the flexible schedule.”
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