Seed Consulting Group, Los Angeles

About Seed Consulting Group, Los Angeles

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides pro-bono consulting to influential organizations pioneering a healthier and more environmentally sustainable California. Our consultants are high achieving outliers from a broad range of industries and academic disciplines with an insatiable desire to serve. We have thriving chapters across the state in Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Francisco.

We're always on the lookout for talented people to add to our team. If you share a vision for a better world and are willing to work towards realizing it, shoot us an email at and we will get back to you.

Our consultants are teamed up to tackle 10 week projects for environmental partners such as Sierra Club, LA Metro, Heal the Bay, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), City of Los Angeles and more!


Business Strategist Intern

July 2021 - August 2021 Los Angeles, CA
“I liked how it was more independent and I was given an opportunity to work on a team.”
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