
Project/Program Management

May - August 2024 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

I worked as a program management intern and got to contribute to 5 different projects several projects loved the amount of real work experiences I was exposed to as an intern. My tasks were summarized as follows: - Defined customer scenarios and feature infrastructure requirements for 0-1 Artificial Intelligence LLM products. Coordinated Scrum ceremonies - Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-ups, Sprint Reviews, and Retrospectives. Triaged feature requests with engineering stakeholders for prioritization and execution tracking. Built product strategies and managed roadmaps to ensure timely feature delivery. - Effectively communicated high-level product information to senior product and business executives, securing prioritization and critical resource allocation. Authored comprehensive product documentation, SDLC phase plans, user stories, and acceptance criteria to align engineering teams with product scope and requirements. - Extensively analyzed big data using various tools, identifying trends and extracting critical insights to drive strategic business decisions, enhancing customer engagement, and bolstering revenue. Established resource requirements, identified and addressed dependencies and risks. I loved been exposed to real work where I could see the impact, and where I could see the value being added.

What I wish was different

- I wish that it could have been longer! - I wish the food in the office was free as I had an interesting time eating properly in expensive California. The food was subsidized though! - I initially wished the internship was fully remote but I came to appreciate being in the office and interacting with people 1:1. - I honestly can't think of any other thing I wish was different!


I advise that you try to make the most of your experience, because the time is really short and flies by. Ask a lot of questions from anyone in the company who you think might be beneficial to the project you are working on. You can reach out to any company employee directly on teams and they are willing to help you out. Also keep a very open mind as you could be exposed to so many things, from which you can find new areas or angles that you can add value - things you probably did not imagine you could be good at.
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Junior Consultant

June - August 2023 • Athens, OH

What I liked

The team was incredibly welcoming and helpful, and gave constant advice that helped the consultants generate strong deliverables.

What I wish was different

Nothing at all. This internship was an extremely valuable experience that I will carry through my career and look back on positively.


Gain as much advice from your partners as possible and always ask questions when they arise. They are very knowledgeable, experienced, and excited to help students succeed.
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Sales Development Intern

May - August 2023 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Loved the community of people. Culture is no joke. Tight knit group of hard working individuals who love winning as a team. Great spot to get started in sales and work on beginning skills

What I wish was different



Don't be afraid to continue outreach.
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Product FP&A Intern

May - August 2021 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

There was a lot of company-wide events that brought a real intern community together. Events such as escape rooms, painting classes, mini ecogarden, etc. Management really wanted interns to succeed and always served as a resource if needed.

What I wish was different



Don't be afraid to fail! The company emphasizes a growth mindset, so don't be afraid to make mistakes, and if you do, use that as a learning opportunity to better yourself.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2021 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

I loved the team and the project that I specifically worked on. I had a lot of autonomy and independence during the design and implementation process and had a great mentor and manager who supported and helped me grow during the course of the internship.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more of an in person experience since I was not able to go to the office at all and the entire internship was virtual.


This experience is what you make of it, and I would advise other interns to take advantage of the resources available to them to be successful in their respective roles.
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Systems Engineer Intern

May - August 2021 • Myrtle Point, OR

What I liked

I liked the culture at ServiceNow, in particular the way that they embraced interns and really got us involved even though we were all remote. My coworkers were also easy to work with, and I was able to find a schedule that worked for me.

What I wish was different

I wish that my project felt more impactful.


The sky's the limit, ask for what you want! I was able to shadow some other teams to see what their jobs looked like in order to better understand what trajectory I want to steer my career into.
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finance audit intern

May - August 2021 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

Despite the internship being online (covid) they created a community feel among the interns. The managers were supportive and encouraged learning and improvement every step of the way.

What I wish was different

Nothing. It was a perfect balance of mentoring while giving space to grow.


Ask all the questions possible and show your eagerness to learn and grow.
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Software Quality Engineer Intern

June - December 2019 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

good mentorship and good testing skills

What I wish was different

more challenging projects/coding


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Global Talent Acquisition Intern - Project Portfolio Management

May - August 2020 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

The company culture was phenomenal - I made it a point to schedule lots of coffee chats and informational interviews with people at the company whose roles I wanted to understand better, and every person I talked to struck me as genuinely loving their jobs. It was also fantastic to have the flexibility as an intern, and also to be encouraged, to reach outside of the department I was in to get to know people better so I could develop my own career interests and figure out what I'm passionate about. My confidence working at ServiceNow this summer grew tenfold and that's because my manager and team pushed me to realize what I'm capable of and believed in my abilities all summer long. On top of that, the lengths that the intern experience team went to to ensure we had the support we needed (+ added perks and fun events, which didn't hurt!) to thrive in a virtual internship environment made me feel incredibly valued and excited to show up to work everyday, even if that sometimes entailed 8.5 hours in front of a screen. Additionally, mentorship opportunities were built into the program - I had a summer coach (who was a former intern, recent grad working at the company), a mentor (senior leader in diversity recruiting, who I was able to learn a great deal about recruiting from), and lastly my manager, who was incredibly attentive to my career development throughout the internship. Overall, I learned a ton from both my projects and the people I worked with, and I'm so grateful to have had the experience. It was a phenomenal place to work and I'm looking forward to hopefully returning next year!

What I wish was different

My only wish is that the internship could have been in person (I would've loved to have been in the office and met people face to face!) but that obviously wasn't possible this year. That said, I thought the intern experience team did an amazing job of taking care of their interns given the circumstances and I couldn't have imagined a better virtual internship experience.


Take advantage of the incredibly cool and smart people around you who want to help you out! I am so glad I made it a goal of mine to meet lots of people and learn about their career paths in the industry I'm interested in joining (recruiting). Going into this summer, I didn't know much about recruiting but now feel confident about pursuing that path after talking to so many people about how they became recruiters. Don't be shy, reach out to people who interest you!
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Quality Engineer Intern

July - September 2020 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Provided many opportunities to explore my field. Had a straight forward program and project schedule. Made the best out of the online format

What I wish was different

I wish the was more documentation on the various tools I had to learn.


Realize that you have a lot of freedom and can really make the most of the internship.
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Intern software

July 2020 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Career fair helped me get this job

What I wish was different

I had a pleasant experience, nothing to change


Be patient, correspondence can take some time
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Corporate Finance Intern

May - August 2019 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

The culture was amazing and the work was engaging

What I wish was different

Corporate finance wasn’t a great fit for me.


Talk to everyone. Tale advantage of every opportunity to network.
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Mobile UX Design Intern

May - August 2019 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

Everything. The people, the work I was doing, the area and the overall experience was incredible and life changing.

What I wish was different

I wish it had been longer so I could have just stayed and continued to work! I also wish RIT had helped create housing opportunities in that area.


Go all in and work as hard as you can. The people at this company are absolutely incredible.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - September 2019 • Kirkland, WA

What I liked

1. The product I was placed on was great 2. I was treated like a Full-Time Employee and worked with the other team members on the same project 3. The code-development methodology was very unique: we had daily standups, worked in sprints of 2 weeks and retrospect session after every sprint. 4. The end of each 2 week sprint also required every employee to demo to the senior management and the rest of the team on the things you worked on.

What I wish was different

Being in Kirkland, I did not have the opportunity to interact face to face with senior leadership of the company. Although I was able to talk to them through the executive speaker series and intra-company communication networks.


Criticism helps you. Actively seek feedback.
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Sales Operations Analyst Intern

June - July 2019 • Singapore, Central Region

What I liked

The immersive experience in an entirely different culture was an eye-opening experience for me. The skills I gained along the way were invaluable, and they helped to build my business relationships across cultures while also developing a sense of workplace professionalism.

What I wish was different

I wish I had deeper knowledge of the country's history before I went. Singapore is rich with an eventful past and knowing how the country's current standings socially and politically would've helped me better perceive the present-day business environment.


An internship will be vital to your decision on whether or not to pursue the field in the future; gain the most you can from the experience to determine if the field is where God wants you!
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Software Engineer Intern

June 2019 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

The work environment was exceptional. I loved my team and the company environment as a whole.

What I wish was different

Nothing specifically besides being in a different location possibly.


I think my big takeaway was how helpful Mudd is in terms of creating opportunities for internships.
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Global Talent Acquisition Intern

May - August 2019 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

ServiceNow really cares about the growth and well-being of their employees. I had the opportunity to connect with a lot of great mentors. I learned a lot about Talent Acquisition during my internship and gained a lot of insight on what it’s like to work with a tech company! (Free snacks, gym, and parking)

What I wish was different

I wish I had taken the opportunity to ask more questions and learn about other teams!


Network with people around you: set up a time to grab lunch with someone or ask to shadow someone in a different department!
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Recruiting Intern

June - September 2019 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

I loved how much hands-on experience I received from my team. I also loved the internship program they set up. They had executive presentations, awesome outings, and resume workshops throughout the summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I had reached out to more people in different parts of my org to learn even more about all of the career possibilities in this field.


I would recommend asking for more work and responsibility! Definitely try and get as much experience as possible while you're there.
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HR Intern - Global Talent Operations

May - August 2019 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

ServiceNow gave me the opportunity to work within various teams within HR (Global Talent). My primary focus for the summer was to find speakers and create the strategy for our Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Speaker Series. Additionally, I received training to work as an HR Service Delivery (Shared Services) representative. During that time, I was able to learn a lot about HR processes and answer questions for employees to ensure higher employee satisfaction. ServiceNow treated interns as full-time employees. We were able to get paid holidays off and receive benefits such as dental, health, and much more. There were plenty of opportunities for us to interact with all of the other employees. And we even got to go to a Giants game and go to Six Flags in Valencia with the interns from the San Diego office. Highly recommend applying for ServiceNow's internship program!

What I wish was different

I have no real complaints. I only wished that it could have been longer!


While it was a lot of fun at work, it is important to remember that internships are essentially extended job interviews. That means you should always be professional no matter what. Always show up early and be eager to learn. Take lots of notes throughout your internship because you want to retain all the information that you learn. Say hi to everyone and establish those meaningful relationships. One of the best pieces of advice I received was to ask to have lunch with people you are interested in learning from. It doesn't matter if you don't know them or they not be working the job you may want. As long as you can learn from them, you should try to build that relationship. Lastly, don't be afraid to fail. You aren't expected to be perfect!
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Finance Intern

June - August 2018 • Santa Clara, CA

What I liked

Great culture, amazing executive team, great intern events, great team and manager

What I wish was different

Better program for high value work as Finance interns


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