Vision Statement: Show and Heal believes all children are created equal. We envision a future where diversity is embraced ad self-care tools are accessible to all teenagers. Every child will have a voice and place in society through inclusion and investment in children for shared prosperity.
Mission Statement: Show and Heal has a holistic commitment to build child and community resiliency through Education, Inclusion, Advocacy. Show and Heal is a collaborative effort of like-minded individuals who understand the fundamental interconnectedness of all human beings.
Statement of Activities: Show and Heal commits to building child and community resilience through:
Education: Facilitation of after school programming focused on self-care to promote physical,
emotional, mental, and social health.
Inclusion: Community collaborations for peaceful, harmonious activities and trainings which serve to
bridge the gaps between diverse populations, contributing to social transformation.
Advocacy: Public and social media awareness campaigns using interactive multimedia and educational
forums to cultivate a sense of belonging.