SkB Architects

I've secured an interview for an architect in training position at SkB Architects! Does anyone have any tips or suggestions to help me prepare for this?

Perhaps the biggest thing SkB values in their work, employees, and architecture/design in general is a clear narrative. Clearly and concisely communicate who you are as a designer by thinking of your portfolio as a narrative, and speaking through it as such. This includes walking through your pro...
Interview Architectural Firm Architect SkB Architects
1 answer

What should I be expecting when I head into this architect in training position at SkB Architects ?

The office is fast paced, and while everyone with experience serve as fantastic mentors, the environment is very "sink-or-swim". You will be given a set of responsibilities, and be expected to follow through with results. If you start running into issues, document them, and approach your superior...
Day in the Life Architectural Firm Architect SkB Architects
1 answer