To be the world's leading authentic grassroots sports company, building strong relationships in a vibrant, creative, and ethical environment. To inform, inspire, and innovate.
Our staff is made up of former players, parents of players and passionate fans of soccer, rugby and lacrosse. As Sports Endeavors has grown as a company, our core values have remained the same. We are still a family-owned company devoted to providing unrivaled selection and service to all soccer, rugby and lacrosse enthusiasts. Sports Endeavors values its employees, its community and its customers. Together we work, play, cheer and succeed.
Sports Endeavors shares our success, giving back at both the local and global levels. Sports Endeavors and its employees support Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life, Race for the Cure, Crop Walk, United Way and other non-profit organizations and events. Our Passback Program collects used but still usable gear from customers and then distributes it to teams who are not able to afford even the most basic sports equipment. To date, we have collected and redistributed over 1,000,000 pieces of equipment to organizations across the world.