Stanford School of Medicine

Research Assistant

June 2022 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Be proactive about taking on more responsibilities/doing extra learning, as you can handle
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June 2021 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

Learned many laboratory skills and developed meaningful relationships in the field.

What I wish was different

More personal development


Ask lab members for their experience.
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Clinical Research Coordinator

June 2018 - December 2020 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

Working directly with the patients, working with data, and being apart of writing the paper to be published.

What I wish was different

To extend my contract. I really enjoyed this study.


It's challenging, rewarding, but be ready to adapt to changes and be opened to new experiences.
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Research Assistant

May - August 2019 • Stanford, CA

What I liked

My favorite part was doing research on what I enjoyed studying. It helped me bring all my classroom experiences to the lab, and I was doing it at the incredibly prestigious School of Medicine at Stanford.

What I wish was different

That I started sooner. I only had one summer (around 3 months) to work there, and if I had known about it sooner, I would have gladly taken a semester off or more to carry on what I was doing.


Make sure you start looking for opportunities early. I only found something that I was interested in toward the middle of the second semester, and if I had started sooner, I might have had more time to do research.
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Research intern

June - October 2020 • Stanford, CA

What I liked

I really liked being exposed to research for the first time, and exploring my interest.

What I wish was different


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Life science research professional

April 2019 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

Fulfilling work, flexible hours, supportive staff

What I wish was different



Read as many peer reviewed published research papers on your area of research as possible.
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Animal Care Assistant

June 2019 • Stanford, CA

What I liked

It's a really cool experience working in an academic setting so close after graduation. I think it's a really unique and fun way to ease into the working lifestyle because, while making money, it's a really familiar and comforting setting. It makes "adulting" not seem so scary.

What I wish was different

I wish I knew how bad Bay area commutes are. Luckily, most companies in the Bay have set up deals that allow for free public transportation to and from work. I personally get free Caltrain tickets from Stanford!


I 100% recommend working or staying connected to academia, especially if you're scared about life after graduation. It's a nice bridge between undergraduate and professional lifestyles.
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Research Intern

June - August 2019 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

Great People

What I wish was different



A really good oppurtunity
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked


What I wish was different



Work hard.
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Healthcare Innovation Analyst

July 2018 • Stanford, CA

What I liked

Fantastic access to Stanford-wide events including speakers and conferences. A great way to meet staff and faculty to network and learn more about potential career paths and opportunities.

What I wish was different

A large university so it is very bureaucratic. Can take a long time to initiate projects through the requisite systems, and approval lags can create a bottleneck.


Stanford is a great environment to be in! Use your current network to your advantage and don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
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Administrative Associate

February 2018 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

I like the culture, the benefits, and the events!

What I wish was different

I wish that the commute was a little easier, especially when working around 9-5pm.


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Cancer Researcher

June 2018 • Stanford, CA

What I liked

Being able to learn and practice new lab techniques.

What I wish was different


Get involved in science and meet people because you never know what opportunities will come about when you know the right person.
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Research Intern

June - August 2018 • Stanford, CA

What I liked

I like that I got to shadow an Anesthesiologist while they were operating in the OR room

What I wish was different

I wish it lasted longer the experience


Definitely apply to all the opportunities you can so you can have more choices
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June - August 2017 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

I really liked that I was able to talk to Stanford researchers, and professors and be able to shadow doctors.

What I wish was different



If I could give one piece of advice it would be to ask questions. Never leave a classroom or lecture without gaining the most information possible.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Stanford, CA

What I liked

Really nice work environment with several dedicated people. I was able to learn a lot of new skills that expanded above the molecular bio/ neuroscience research I was doing. For example, I learned new strategies to tackle engineering-related issues. I also enjoyed the living area; Palo Alto does not have much of a city life, but San Fransisco is a train ride away.

What I wish was different

There is not much I wish would have been different. I was very fortunate to be part of the Stanford Summer Research Program (SSRP) which offered a lot of support for any issue I would have in my lab or outside of it.


If you're going to do research in a lab at Stanford (or any lab in general) give yourself time to read papers about the research that is being done in the lab. Don't be afraid to ask summer mentors for advice on what you should read as well.
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