Sylvamo Corporation

Mechanical Reliability Engineer Intern

May - June 2022 • Eastover, SC

What I liked

I love the Eastover Mill because they value each intern and their time. I was assigned projects with value that had an impact on the mill and its performance and profitability. I also liked that I was given independence with my projects to determine the best solution to the problem at hand. I had the opportunity to ask for help and reach out when I needed external support.

What I wish was different

I would not change much about my experience. Unfortunately, my experience was cut short due to medical reasons, and I wished there was an option to continue my internship online. The interns were not provided with laptops, so it was not possible this summer. However, I feel like I still made the most of the time I had there.


The best advice I can give to anyone looking to work for Sylvamo would be to never be afraid to ask for help or additional projects. There may be times where it feels overwhelming, but there is always someone willing to help. On the other hand, there may be times where it feels like there is nothing to be done, but there is always something that someone else has on their plate that they may need help with. Overall, work safe and enjoy yourself, there is so much to learn in a manufacturing setting!
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