Systems Oncology

Content Development Intern

May - December 2019 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

Working as part of the amazing team at Systems Oncology, I was able to further develop my skills and partake in real-world situations where my knowledge and skills would contribute. It's hard to get these types of experiences only sticking to the books, and reaching out to be a part of a content development team has made me learn about the field and confirmed my interest in it.

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and give it your best shot. Everyone at Systems Oncology is very nice and fully wants to support your knowledge and understanding of any/all topics you encounter being on the team.
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May 2019 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

Great experience working with corporate and learning about cancer everyone was kind

What I wish was different

I didn’t eat so much chocolate covered almonds


Get your work done on time and everything should be fine
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