The Flagship Program

About The Flagship Program

The Flagship Program provides afterschool opportunities for students in eight Missoula County Public Schools in grades K-12. Under the umbrella of Western Montana Mental Health Center, Flagship offers students a school-based program in mentoring and skill building. Our main program focus consists of four core components: academic achievement, health and wellness, art and culture and pro-social development. Enrollment in Flagship after-school programs is open to all students at Franklin, Hawthorne and Lowell Elementary Schools, Washington, Meadow Hill and CS Porter Middles Schools and Hellgate, Willard Alternative High Schools.

​Flagship is FREE of charge to all participants and families. Flagship is unique to Missoula and with community support we have been able to sustain this model for 20 years. Thank you for getting to know who we are, how we serve and how you can connect with the Flagship afterschool experience.



September 2016 - August 2018 Missoula, MT
“All of it.”
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