The Ohio State University - Wexner Medical Center

Student Nurse Extern

June - July 2022 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I was able to get a one-on-one experience with a nurse. Additionally, all the staff was very welcoming and it gave me a lot of insight into what being a new grad nurse might look like.

What I wish was different

I would've liked to have been allowed to do more hands-on nursing skills however I know the program discussed looking into changing that in the future if possible. I also still found the experience extremely helpful and felt I gained a much better understanding of the perspective of a nurse.


Be open with what you are looking for out of the experience the program leaders try very hard to match people with their interests and make the experience worthwhile.
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Patient Experience Intern

June - August 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I loved that it was hands-on experience. I really got a lot of freedom in my position and was given almost complete independence. I think this taught me a lot about myself and helped me to grow as a person and a professional. I also enjoyed getting able to make someone’s day. Seeing the impact you have on someone is an amazing thing, and this position made that very possible.

What I wish was different

It was a bit overwhelming at times. I worked in the ICU and saw some pretty heavy stuff, but I think it helped me recognize the reality of the hospital setting.


My advice would be to not be hesitant; seize the opportunity and don’t be shy. It can be difficult reaching out to patients and families about their experiences in the hospital and the ICU, but it is an important job.
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Student Assitant

April 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I was able to be directly involved in patient care, and get an incredible amount of on-hands experience. The professional staff you work with are extremely willing to teach, which makes this an invaluable experience for anyone who wants to work in a patient care setting.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more training, especially with computer related topics.


Be willing to work hard learning the job!
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