UBS - West Palm Beach, FL

wealth management

June 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Finance related, building personal relationships with clients, learning about the industry

What I wish was different

More tangible finance experience


It's a great way to ease yourself into a finance role!
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Human Resources Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • Weehawken, NJ

What I liked

The company provided us with real exposure to the field of HR in a very friendly and collaborative environment.

What I wish was different

More opportunities regarding direct client interaction.


Ask as many questions as possible and go out of your way to talk with employees in divisions outside of your own.
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May 2019 • Warren Township, NJ

What I liked

I learned a lot about how my life could be after University. I love finance and the stock market, so doing projects and analyzing stocks with professions in the field was a blast.

What I wish was different

I'm not sure I'd want anything different other than wishing a worked with more college peers of mine. Although I loved working with the older people in my division, I couldn't relate 100% with them and wish I was able to make a few young connections.


Keep asking questions. It's the easiest way to learn anything, because people have such great knowledge that they can share with me.
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Group Operations Intern

June - August 2019 • Nashville, TN

What I liked

I loved working in downtown Nashville, and the people at UBS were great. Not only did I learn a lot, I also got opportunities to network with older professionals at company events, and got to volunteer in the community through UBS’s philanthropic efforts.

What I wish was different

The summer associate program in Nashville was new this year, and there were some kinks to be worked out. But they did a great job planning talks and other professional advancement events to help us as interns learn more about the company and the industry as a whole.


If interested in a career in banking, UBS is one of the largest banks in the world and a great place to work! There are so many different opportunities for career growth that they offer.
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Financial Analyst Intern

January 2019 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

Very good experience and a strong resume plus. Everyone was very helpful and nurturing.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more hands-on experience rather than back-office work. There was hands-on experience but I just wish there was more.


Go in open arms to multiple positions within the firm as you have the opportunity to change or move through the firm. I started as a wealth management intern and moved to a financial analyst intern.
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May - July 2019 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

Very welcoming environment full of hardworking people always willing to help and teach you something new

What I wish was different

A more set schedule


Be comfortable with public speaking and interpersonal communication as it is a key aspect to success
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finance intern

June 2019 • Scottsdale, AZ

What I liked

Working with wealth managers and learning about the industry.

What I wish was different

That I got to work more hands on with the stock market


work hard and then work some more
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Private Wealth Management Intern

August 2019 • St. Petersburg, FL

What I liked

The associates at UBS were amazing and very helpful.

What I wish was different

Nothing really, they provided an amazing internship experience which allowed me to see how financial firms operate in my career field.


The more internships the better, you get to see if you enjoy working in that area before you commit with a permanent position.
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Finance Intern

June - August 2019 • Hunt Valley, MD

What I liked

I really enjoyed being able to connect directly with our clients and really see the impact we made.

What I wish was different


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June - August 2019 • Short Hills, NJ

What I liked

Getting an inside look into the wealth management business.

What I wish was different



Always network
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Private Wealth Management Intern

June - August 2019 • Mount Laurel Township, NJ

What I liked

Amazing people at the company

What I wish was different

Not much, the pay was a bit low


Always talk to people on the job
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Wealth Management Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • Weehawken, NJ

What I liked

Over the past few years, I started off my professional career working part-time in the NYU IT department as a project coordinator and last summer, I was fortunate to get an opportunity in the White House IT department in DC, so I came into the financial services industry with a diverse background. But, my path to UBS was a bit more than just my eagerness to expand my professional portfolio, it was personal. Having worked at UBS for the past 17 years, my dad always talked about the people and the culture of UBS for almost my entire life. His words encouraged me to apply to UBS and experience the same values that started and grounded his career, which I had the fortune of experiencing first-hand this summer in the Digital Transformation team. Ranking Digital Strategy and Platforms as my #1 preference, I knew that this team would be the perfect blend of business and technology, a team where I could exhibit my past technical background and add value in a more financial capacity. UBS gave me the ability to build a network within the firm, across divisions and branches, allowed me to develop new hard and soft skills, apply the content and knowledge I learn during the academic year, and, most importantly, create a meaningful impact in the organization. The people, the collaborative environment, the culture are all factors that make UBS more than just a multinational Swiss bank. But, more so than just that, I was absolutely surprised by the amount of time and effort that was invested in each intern’s career development.

What I wish was different

My summer with UBS was absolutely incredible and I am so excited to share that on my last day, I received an offer as a full-time Wealth Management Analyst within the two-year GTP rotational program. I couldn’t have asked for better mentors and managers who helped me along the way and gave me the proper direction to get clarity on what I wanted to do in the future. I am looking forward to graduating next year and working at a company that I love with a job that I love.


From forming relationships and creating a network that will last beyond these 10 weeks, I was able to take away 4 main points to summarize my summer. #1: Don't be afraid to speak up. I was afraid to speak up, worried that I would say the wrong thing, but working with my team, I realized that my questions, thoughts, and ideas are valuable. #2: Put the clients in the center of everything you do. As I continued to explore my curiosity, from branch experience to meeting new people, it is evident to me that the client is the end goal, everything we work on at UBS is help the client sleep better at night. #3: "Team work makes the dream work." Steve Trifoglio, a Divisional Technology Specialist on the team always signs his emails with this saying and it couldn't be more apparent within my experience this summer. Every moving component work in tandem because of people working together, which leads me to #4: The people make UBS what it is.
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Wealth Management Intern

August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Working directly under a Financial Advisor/ Senior VP of Wealth Management.

What I wish was different

I wish it was a more structured program and I was part of an intern class perhaps.


Be yourself and work hard, New York is a wild place and the harder you work the more people recognize you... the city is a lot smaller than you might think it is.
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Wealth Management Intern

March - August 2018 • Red Bank, NJ

What I liked

Great team and professional environment.

What I wish was different

Wish I had more responsibilities and a structured internship program.


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Analyst intern

May - August 2019 • Buffalo, NY

What I liked

The internship was a great experience. I received first hand education in analytical skills, investment strategies, and even how to work portfolios to maximize returns. The analyst's and investors gave tasks daily that were to be completed by the end of the day. This gave me an idea of how I am able to work under pressure and my ability to complete complex tasks. I felt that this was a great experience because I was able to use the softwares that the analysts and investors use, it was interesting to see.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to work for a longer period of time with the firm.


It is beneficial to read and keep up on work given to you. The work given is applicable to situations similar to classes and also to other jobs.
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Asset Management Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Fantastic experience, I really enjoyed the work I was given, the freedom I was given to explore the company and the people's willingness to help.

What I wish was different

I wish the program was rotational and desired to get more exposure to the different groups/strategies within UBS Asset Management.


Work hard and be outgoing.
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Wealth Management Graduate Talent Program Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • Weehawken, NJ

What I liked

UBS emphasized a collaborative environment in the workplace. As an intern, this was the most important aspect of my summer. Joining a large firm like UBS can be daunting when you are only 20 years old, but the atmosphere inside the UBS offices is very welcoming. I was given the opportunity to work alongside various levels of employees, from intern to managing director. I was even given the opportunity to interact with C-Suite level employees. In order to be fully collaborative, it is essential that the individual employees within the company work as one cohesive unit. Being friendly with as many people in the office is vital to this operation. Thus, UBS encourages interns to network as much as possible over the course of the summer. I sat down for one-on-one meeting with over forty employees of the firm. Obviously, this is an asset for me moving forward, as I was able to create relationships with numerous experienced professionals in the industry. More importantly, I was able to learn something from every single conversation. Whether it be the technicals of the person's day-to-day work, how to act in a professional environment, or what I can do to better myself—these interactions were the most valuable aspect of my summer.

What I wish was different

If I could change anything about my summer experience, I would change the length of my commute. It took me more than an hour everyday to get to work. This means less sleep, fewer breakfasts, and grumpier mornings. At first, I did not think I was going to be able to make it through the entire summer given this treacherous commute. I felt that I was wasting hours of my day every day. This was not acceptable. I decided I needed to make the most of my time spent traveling through New York City. Thus, I began to avidly read on each commute. In the morning, I would read the Wall Street Journal and the Morning Brew. On the ride home, I would continue to read the news, along with other material I found interesting. This paid huge dividends as I was able to hold intelligent conversations with those people I networked with. I was able to reference current events that effect the day-to-day life of any employee at a bulge bracket bank. What's more is I began to gain a much clearer understanding of the global and US macroeconomic environment. This is essential information that will progress me through my career.


The advice I would offer to any incoming intern is to become friendly with as many people as possible. It is the ultimate investment in the company's ability to operate with synergy, but also a huge investment in yourself. Also, read the news every day and take advantage of any down time you have. I mentioned commuting, but reading the WSJ when you have little to do at work can pay huge dividends (literally if you make great investments based on this). Finally, I would say to do something you are passionate about. The reason I applied to work in Wealth Management, rather than investment banking or sales and trading is because I wanted to help actual people. Being able to help real families determine their financial futures is what gives my days purpose. Find something that gives your days purpose.
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Investment Banking Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I liked the high-intensity working environment where you are constantly challenged to manage many different tasks and handle last-minute changes throughout the day. The culture of the company is very team-oriented and I enjoyed getting to know my group of full-times and the other summer analysts that were from many different schools.

What I wish was different

The hours were very long, sometimes consisting of 17-18 hour days. It's the name of the game in the industry, but it has to be something that you are personally willing to dedicate all of your time to.


It is a fast-paced industry that requires navigating time-management, difficult projects, lots of communication between yourself and your team, and overall long hours. The amount that you learn in such a short-time frame is extremely rewarding, so the best advice is to keep a good attitude always.
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Asset Management Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

This was a phenomenal learning experience in a great location with phenomenal pay. I learned so much about the financial services industry and was able to thrive despite a complete lack of a finance background beforehand. I gained many marketable skills and was able to vastly grow my network.

What I wish was different



Go into a high-stakes internship ready to learn and work hard to succeed and it will pay off!
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Sales and Trading Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The fast-paced, always changing environment that was challenging but come. Everyone at the firm was very invested in helping me improve if I showed effort in trying to learn. It was a very fulfilling experience.

What I wish was different

I wish that I knew more financial concepts prior to starting,


People are always evaluating you. It's exhausting, but treat the internship like a ten-week long interview.
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