Upward Bound

About Upward Bound

Upward Bound is a college preparatory program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Eligible high school students receive tutoring, counseling and classroom instruction designed to help them enter and successfully complete a post-secondary program. During the school year, academic services are provided on a weekly basis. Educational workshops and field trips for cultural, career, educational and recreational experiences are also included. During the summer, students attend a six-week residential school. Students live in the residence halls during the week, then spend the weekends at home. The summer program consists of classroom instruction, discussion groups, recreational and cultural activities, college visitations and college admissions assistance. There is no cost to the student. The United Sates Department of Education and Western Oregon University pay all costs. Students may receive a small stipend for regular participation.



July 2018 - August 2018 Brockport, NY
“I liked how much power I got to decide what activities the kids could do and how I got to help the students with their homework.”

Residential Assistant

June 2018 - July 2018 Toledo, OH
“Having to work with High School students. It was a very fun and wonderful learning experience ”
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