Urban Water Innovation Network

About Urban Water Innovation Network

The network, a consortium of academic institutions and key partners across the U.S., include research, engagement and educational programs that address challenges that threaten urban water systems. The mission of UWIN is to create technological, institutional, and management solutions to help communities increase the resilience of their water systems and enhance preparedness for responding to water crises.


Research Undergraduate

May 2018 - August 2018 Fort Collins, CO
“The focus of my research heavily depended on field work and lab work. Every day I learned a new method of water testing and I was able to create a system that was tested to remove high quantaties of fecal indicator bacteria, suspended solids, and chemicals from vehicular waste present in street runoff. I not only learned how to test for these contaminants in water, but I also learned why and how green infrastructure is especially important in urbanized areas with frequent precipitation. Global climate change is making weather patterns and precipitation events more erratic and unpredictable resulting in heavy storms near coastal sites. These storms overwhelm sewers put in place to diverge stormwater and flooding occurs resulting in human health hazards. My research allowed me to address these health hazards in a laboratory setting. I liked being able to work on a system that can be used to improve living conditions and to reduce health hazards from street runoff. ”
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