My major is Social work and my internship is with a non-profit agency called Us Together which is a refugee resettlement agency. I cannot say how much this internship has help me to determine my specific population I would like to work for. Working with the clients, working with the individuals in the office, even working with the community resources has been a great experience and building that future connection and resources is vital. To take that step of just doing an internship at a company you think you might work at is a positive move because you will find out if this is truly where you want to work at or you find out “ooooh noooo” not here. Just a fantastic opportunity to say I love this field but not at this company or agency. For me, I love working with refugees/immigrants but after graduation, I would need to work where there is more stability because of the agency function off of grants, which can be denied and you no longer have a job. The best way to get your foot in the door and an effective way to find out if this company is for you. Good Luck!