Viability, Inc.

About Viability, Inc.

Viability, Inc. is a growing multi-state progressive human service organization empowering people with disabilities to live, learn, work, and thrive in the community for over 40 years.

Working closely with families, employers and the greater community, we work to create a wide range of services that help our clients live, learn and work independently.

Serving Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, and Oklahoma.


Public Service Intern

June 2019 - July 2019 Florence, MA
“Getting to know the people, learning new skills, experiencing social difference”

Communications Intern

January 2019 - June 2019 Springfield, MA
“My internship gave me a creative outlet where I learned how to master programs in the Adobe cloud, such as indesign, photoshop, and illustration. I was able to use my discretion to design and implement agency marketing and internal memo distribution while learning a lot from my supervisor's expertise. ”
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