What I liked
For the purpose of being accurate, this was a temporary job that I got after graduating from Pitt. I have since accepted a full-time offer at Victaulic. I started at Victaulic not really knowing what Victaulic did. I had heard the name before and live close enough that I have seen billboards with "Apply Online Today". However, once I started to work here, it was clear to me that I would really enjoy my work. I was assigned to a project with a senior engineer and was working closely for most of most temporary contract. I was constantly learning and applying technical knowledge. I was never a big "hands-on" person before I started working on the R&D systems that I was assigned to. I learned how to use a lot of hand tools and spent a lot of my time independently setting up testing apparatus. Furthermore, I felt like even though I was new and inexperienced in the field, I could make suggestions or bring up technical concerns with those I worked with and be treated as an equal. If you like using tools or would like to learn, Victaulic gives you plenty of opportunity to do so as a Technician.