Global Communications Intern

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I liked that we were thrown in the deep end right away and were given work with direct clients. I also worked with many of the executive of the company and the CEO was heavily involved in our journey. THe people were veery willing to help or give advice any times the interns needed.

What I wish was different

I wish we able to get to work in more than one department. Although this is true, if you were okay with a large workload, you could do this if you network yourself with other interns and colleagues. There was almost nothing bad about this internship that I wish was differeent


Plan to pushed passed what you think you can do. Take this as a positive challenge and keep up your confidence. Even when you feel like you don't know what you are doing, trust me... you will get it done, just go into with confidence and then people are more willing to help (as long as you tried).
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Creative Intern

June - August 2019 • Miami, FL

What I liked

My favorite part was the people. I was in the creative team and by the end of the internship I felt like I was leaving my family. They’re all amazing creative people that support each other in an amazing way.

What I wish was different

I wish I were more challenged on my tasks.


Try to talk to everyone as much as you can and offer your help with any task. Is a great company with great values and you can learn a lot from different department as well
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Tech Intern

June 2016 - March 2019 • Kansas City, MO

What I liked

The freedom to learn and explore a wide variety of technologies They treated me like a normal employee - title didn't matter Incredible company culture that fostered collaboration and made me enjoy work every day

What I wish was different

Besides hiring more people to help me do my job (I ran the cybersecurity practice after working there for ~1 year, my supervisor left), there was nothing I would change


Ask as many questions as possible. Think it's stupid? Ask it. Already know the answer? Ask it, I promise you'll hear a new answer for the question that makes you ponder yours.
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