A friendship is what Zeeks is. Some organizations are born from a vision, others are born from an innovation, but ours is born from a friendship. It started with two buddies escaping the soul-crush of corporate life and charging the powder and riding the waves of the Pacific Northwest. Everything in the Zeeks ecosystem – whatever you can see, touch, taste, feel or hear has been imprinted by this origin and it is why Zeeks feels the way it does. We call this vibe the Zeek Mystique and it is not so much a force to be controlled, as it is a wave to be ridden. It can be a total stoker or it can pin you to the reef – and all who come into contact with it whether as an employee, customer, or partner experience it. The rules for navigating Zeeks are a lot like what you do with a good friend – you keep it fun, you share your stoke when you’re high, you own up and say “My Bad” when you didn’t bring your best, you say “Hi” and smile when you meet, and you expect the people around you to do the same. And while you are striving to get to where you want to go, you make time to share a pint…or two…because there is no end game to friendships, there is only the trip itself.