Unlock Genius with Robot Academy's Innovative Tools: Robots, Laser Cutters and Engravers for Limitless Creations
From LEGO Robots for beginners to awe-inspiring metal robots for advanced learners and laser cutters & engravers for schools and businesses, we have something for everyone. A perfect blend of education and fun, our video curriculum sets and interactive programs require no prior experience.
Robot Academy provides STE(A)M curriculum, robots, laser cutters/engravers to schools and businesses nationwide with offices in Columbus, Ohio and Orlando, Florida. Since 2006, Robot Academy hosts a variety of technology camps and private robotics events around Columbus. At these action-packed summer tech camps and events, kids age 5-14 design, build, and program working LEGO robots (using Arduino LEGO Robot ) and create inventions using 3D Modeling/Printing.
Inspiring confidence and creativity with STEAM (that’s STEM + Art)!