
Human Resources Service Analyst

June - August 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I loved the culture of the company and how willing people were to help me and push me in the right direction. I was connected to such amazing people and this wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for the people and the culture of the company

What I wish was different

I wish they marketed more on campus so that more people knew about this opportunity.


You don't need to know everything when you start, but you need to try and learn and ask the right questions and go in with a positive attitude each day.
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Business Analyst Intern

June - August 2022 • Arlington, VA

What I liked

I liked how my supervisor gave me opportunities to take on new challenges/projects and promoted my growth within my career

What I wish was different

Since this was a fully remote internship, I wish I had at least one day in person


My piece of advice for a fully remote internship would be to establish a routine and practice good time management skills
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Consulting Development Analyst

June - August 2022 • Philadelphia, PA

What I liked

I really liked how I was able to have direct exposure to a MD (Managing Director) as my project supervisor. As my team was small and tight-knit, I was able to connect to them on a personal level even though my project was completely virtual. I also liked the opportunity to go into the office anytime I want, on my schedule, and there being food/snacks/analysts to hang out with and have fun with the other interns. There were lots of fun social events like bowling, happy hours, ping pong with MDs, hot ones challenge, Intern Day at the New York office, and more.

What I wish was different

I wish that there were more opportunities where I can help the team out. As my project has been ongoing for 3 years, it was sort of in a limbo state where I couldn't really contribute a whole lot to the team.


I would say to keep your mind open as you go through the project matching process, and stick out with your project even if you don't think you can add much value to it. Even as an intern, you're a valuable contribution from the start and you can learn so much more by doing.
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Data Scientist

February 2021 - August 2022 • Bangalore, Karnataka

What I liked

work culture, experienced team.

What I wish was different


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Human Resources Summer Analyst

June - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I got to work on many different projects and many different people. The projects I worked on were high level and actually used by the company. I also got to build a great network with my coworkers.

What I wish was different

My internship was completely virtual due to COVID, but I wish I could have done at least some of it in person.


Ask questions and ask for feedback regularly.
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February - May 2021 • Shanghai, People's Republic of China

What I liked

time management and group working

What I wish was different

I could give more ideas


Be brave to talk
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Strategy Analyst

June - August 2021 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

I had a great team and was given a lot of autonomy when it came to my work!

What I wish was different

The internship was virtual, so it was difficult to connect with other interns and employees. My case content was not something I was particularly interested in either.


Make more time to meet with more people! Reach out because employees want to meet you!
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Consulting Summer Analyst

June - August 2020 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Ownership. I had the opportunity to own my role, my work, and my Accenture relationships. Over the course of the summer, I was asked to run a client meeting, manage a living dashboard for client leadership, and share during a team-wide presentation. My managers relied on me the way they would a full-time analyst. The People. Without sacrificing an ounce of professionalism, Accenture’s culture is as welcoming as it gets. From my own teammates to managing directors I met for the first time, everyone is equally warm and candid. The Content. I joined one of Accenture’s Life Sciences accounts and learned about digital system readiness, supply chains, and the world of pharma. Each day, my work was current and stimulating.

What I wish was different

Because my role was grounded primarily in project management, I did not have as many opportunities to develop my skills in data analysis and visualization. That said, many summer analysts that I met had abundant opportunities to grow in this area. At the end of the day, your summer experience is highly dependent on the type of project work needed.


Take advantage of the incredible mentorship opportunities available to you. Don’t hesitate to grab time on senior-level employees’ calendars. They are genuinely eager to meet new faces, offer advice, and share their own experiences!
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Summer Consulting Analyst

June - August 2020 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I felt welcomed and valued from the day I started. I felt supported by my project team and found it easy to make genuine connections, despite being in a virtual environment. I developed a great rapport with my manager, and she connected me with other Accenture employees to talk about my interests and experiences. I also loved all of the programming planned by the Summer Analyst Team, including the Student Leadership Conference and the Buddy Program!

What I wish was different


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Management Consulting Intern

June - August 2020 • Washington, DC

What I liked

Though my experience was virtual, Accenture ensured that we still had a fulfilling experience. I got to work on a real project team and had the freedom to take my role in the project where I wanted it to go. On top of all of this, the culture at Accenture is unmatched. Everyone I met was happy to get to know me and was excited about my journey.

What I wish was different

I wish I had the opportunity to work in the office as well as work on a project that better aligned with my specific interests. However, I met incredible people and further solidified the role I wish to have in the future.


Be authentic. Share your goals, your strengths, and where you want to improve. Internships are designed to help us better prepare for the working world, so be unafraid to take risks and learn!
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TDP Summer Analyst

June - August 2020 • New York City, NY

What I liked

My TDP Summer Analyst Experience was truly a wonderful opportunity I received. I worked with professionals and contributed to an important project. Accenture's environment is a positive place for growth, interaction, and respect for all.

What I wish was different

I enjoyed all the experiences a lot and would not have wished for anything different!


When entering this workplace, be willing to learn a lot and give your best to the team! It is a great opportunity for one's career to be part of Accenture and to take full advantage of the opportunities.
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Analyst (Management Consulting)

June - August 2020 • Houston, TX

What I liked

Very hands on even when internship went virtual.

What I wish was different


At Accenture you must always work hard and keep up with the newest technologies.
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Analyst (Management Consulting)

June - August 2020 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed my coworkers and the training I received.

What I wish was different

My internship was online, so I didn't get to meet my coworkers or clients in person. I still enjoyed my internship a lot and grew to like working remotely.


Go out of your way to be helpful. I said yes to an experience outside of my job description and it ended up becoming my primary project. I believe that was a part of me getting a return offer since I proved to be useful.
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Summer Technology Analyst

June - August 2020 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Accenture had an awesome internship in a virtual setting!

What I wish was different

More client facing work


Meet as many people during the internship as you can!
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Technology Analyst

June - August 2020 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The programming for all summer analysts was great. Very organized, thoughtful, and well-done given the virtual environment. The technology summer Hackathon was also a great project to work on throughout the summer.

What I wish was different

The project I was assigned to did not fit my interests very well, and my manager had never managed anyone before. I wish I had been more interested in my day-to-day work, but I did really enjoy the Hackathon work.


It's a really big company, and there's a lot of opportunity for internal networking, even if you don't love your first project.
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Consulting Analyst Intern

June - August 2020 • Boston, MA

What I liked

There is a lot of opportunity to get a diverse array of experiences!

What I wish was different

I wish we had slightly more say over our projects.


It’s a good learning opportunity no matter what you do!
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Technology Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

It's a very fun and exciting internship. You meet a lot of people from the Accenture company through networking events on Friday where everyone comes into the main office. Also, I got to work with some pretty cool technologies. You also get a chance to meet all the interns from across the country for a conference for one weekend. Overall, it's fast-paced and you meet a lot of people.

What I wish was different

I wish you knew what project you were assigned to earlier. You find out what project and what client you're on very late. You don't really have a voice in the type of stuff you want to learn, so whatever project you're assigned to you usually just go through with it unless you voice that you really don't want to do it.


Don't be shy. Everyone at the company is very fun and has a great story to tell. Listen, meet new people, step outside your comfort zone, and make good connections. Don't be afraid to do the same with your client company as well. Make the most of your time at Accenture.
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Consulting Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • Philadelphia, PA

What I liked

I enjoyed the challenging workload and the opportunity to learn something new every day. There were plenty of resources around to seek help and ask questions. I also enjoyed working with the data and analytics team, sharpening up my technical skill set.

What I wish was different


Take a data & analytics class before the internship to develop a technical skill set.
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Financial Analyst

June - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Great network building, intense work but very useful

What I wish was different



Reach out to other departments and colleagues within the company to ensure you like what you are doing and explore the company
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Consulting Summer ANalyst

June - August 2019 • Austin, TX

What I liked

The learning environment

What I wish was different

More options to substitute internship for courses.


You will learn all necessary technical skills on the job so no need to hesitate to apply die to lack of technical training.
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